Got searched and was found with a Cannabis Grow guide. Is that enough for a warrant?


New Member
Whats up guys

I hope yous have had an awesome Christmas, and a happy new year when it comes by.
I'm from NSW, Australia (where marijuana is not decriminalized like other states) so I don't know if the laws down here for similar enough to the ones in the US for most of you to help me out.

Anyway, just then, literally like 1 hour ago I was walking through a park with a friend and the park is apparently a suspicious place where people smoke weed all the time and deal drugs there. (which I was unaware of since I never smoke outside of a house.) All of a sudden a police car pulls up and asked what we were doing and if we could come over to the car, and we told them we were just passing through on the way to my house (which we honestly were) and they told us about the park and the drug users and drug dealers etc and then asked if they could search our bags. At first I said no because I felt I wasn't doing anything wrong.

Anyway, the officer said that I was being suspicious by saying no to the search and I eventually just gave them the backpack on my back and proceeded with the search. My friend was also being searched at the same time where they found a small joints worth of weed where he received a cannabis caution on the spot.

After I was completely searched and found to be clean, all my things were handed back except the cannabis books. The officer that was dealing with me took the books in the car and proceeded to report the encounter and took my details down and I'm pretty sure he wrote down the name of the two books. After that, the books were handed back to me we both headed off.

One book was just a fact book about marijuana.
The other was a Cannabis Grow guide. Green Weed: The Organic Guide to Growing High Quality Cannabis
They recorded both of these book names when writing down the encounter.

Note:I was asked if I was planning on growing it and I said no way.

So what I'm asking is, do you in your opinion think that is reasonable suspicion for the police to get a warrant to search my house?

That is the only thing I'm worried about, for personal reasons ofcourse...

It would be great if someone could give me their advice, cheers.

P.S. I know it was stupid to have those books in there, but I honestly forgot about them since they were among my university work. It was all unexpected really.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You have both been placed on a list and you can expect a shake down. Don't give them any more reasons to be in your life and they should lay off after six months, unless they find something else then it will continue. Your friends doobie fried your cookies. I would stop being seen with your buddy until you're sure they ain't gonna stake you anymore. You have either encountered a green rookie looking for browny points or someone ratted. The facts are you cannot be searched unless you consent or have been placed under arrest.


Well-Known Member
P.S. I know it was stupid to have those books in there, but I honestly forgot about them since they were among my university work. It was all unexpected really.
Yeah that was possibly one of the worst things you could have done.
Bird Mcbride pretty much summed it up.
Right now it would be safe to say that you put yourself on their radar. Even if it's a small blip you're still on there. So do not grow anything indoors. If you carry any herb with you then be ready to eat it in case of an emergency.
What you can expect.
Being searched if you get pulled over in a car.
Being searched if you're out walking for being "suspicious" if one of the cops there spots you out. Or your name gets called over the radio.
So why is it you thought it'd be a good idea to carry around a few physical grow books?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Not being familiar with the law in Australia I have to ask.
Is it legal for LEO to search you with no probable cause there ?

And welcome to RIU. :cool:


Well-Known Member
If you were in the states I wouldn't sweat it. I'm not sure about Australian law but if you could get a warrant because of a book in the states, would be getting raided everyday.


New Member
Hey guys, I spoke to a lawyer and they said that being found with a grow book is definitely enough suspicion to get a search warrant so I'm going to play it safe and trash my current plants.

Its real unfortunate :( but they were still in their seedling stage and it was my first grow so meh. I guess I'll take the time to read up more so I can be better off for my grow next time, also I'm going to read up on local laws so I don't fuck up again LOL.

It's so hard to bring yourself to kill a MJ plant honestly, I've heard of growers saying that about their male plants even. I guess I kinda know what it feels like now.

Anyways, how long do you guys think I should wait it out for?

3 months minimum, 6 months to be safe?