Got serious monsters!!!!help me:)


Active Member a covered frame to stop top of frame use clear, hard plastic angled (not too much, tho--just enough stop the water from collecting on the plastic, and to divert it away from the plant)...the hard plastic at the top will stop the plant's vertical will then start growing out instead of up once it hits the thinking of trying this experiment soon too....lemme kno how it far its jus a theory, bu i honestly think it'll work otherwise i wouldnt have mentioned it :) ...pce

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
JESUS CHRIST!!! You're my new friggin' HERO!!! NICE!!! I am SO damn jealous!!! I should have that problem!!! You might give them some blood meal or fish emulsion, but DAYUM dems some fine looking girls!!


Dang Mr. Ganga!Check urs out..VERY NICE!!!!They r soooo green n healthy thats what I want, seems like closer it gets to flowering I seem to do something to stress em out are they in bottomed out/in ground pots with drip system?

Well plan of attack tommorow is bump up feed...This is 2nd "real" grow for me so not very experienced Really appreciate the advice from everyone:)Will get on the covering.. like PVC idea inexpensive and efficient.

WHat do I do for support though dont want branches breaking off from (fingers crosssed) heavy colas


Well-Known Member
You can use tomato cages or bamboo sticks, garden trellis or anything you can stick in the ground to support them. What problems did you have last year? And what food are you feeding them?


New Member
how about getting some kind of chicken wire an covering plants stake it down in for corners will kinda help the height issues and your buds will pop out of the mess :))


soooo update Ive up'd nutes SERIOUSLY helped!! Building hoophouse taking some tips from anyone who has took this on..So late in season should have been up before they were in the ground...Tried bamboo but they r soooo big that Im thinking need netting/But Ive tried trelis seems pointless since they r already substantial any ideas or alternative much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
If yu dont want them so tall, jus start topping a few main colas. I'd say maybe 2inches dwn from the top.


SAM_2424-1.jpgIMAG0658-1.jpg :)IMAG0559.jpgSAM_2415-1.jpg
^after feeding B4 ^ 7/14/2011 NOW 8/15/2011

SAM_2414.jpgSAM_2419.jpg they grew!!!

So topping is out I think its to late I HaD OOPSIE tried bending N SNapped off tops of two wondering if the plants having deficiancy of some sort...shouldnt be so hard that it literaly snapped right in half with very little pressure:( Been bending others 4 entire grow tried first time on two plants n broke:( The canopy idea is in action LOL they r buried check out photo!!!Cant even see em:(any other thoughts??Or clever rigging


Yeah didnt think it would get so big!!!Prior summer not close to this..started hoop-house idea for up-coming rain but tried everything to manage height issue trelis gets lost...stuck :(


Well-Known Member
if height is truley the issue id say get cutting. its not like there arnt enough branches to make up for the few you have to cut.... you will still get massive yeilds just minus afew big nugs that will be surley missed but better missing afew colas than your whole crop because everybody and there momma can see your grow from over the fence.