GotBeat's How To on Gumby Hash


Well-Known Member
Hey guys to answer some questions

you can use fresh or dry it all works. Ive also gone and actual stuck my trim in the freeze for a day or so before the ice wash seems to make the ice washing easier to knock off those trics

as for settling times Ive also done it in differ times I guess i can say its all about how patient you wanna be in this whole process. Ive ice washed for an hour and let settle for a day for each step

As for drying and rolling the hash - you say it broke apart which in turn means you still had to much water in the hash itself
this is my method.

I try to get as most water out of the hash before it goes under a light and i get it as close as possible to the light and just keep my eye on it.
once i see its losing the water mass in i start forming it to a square with a butter knife and then let sit it again and watch for the water mass to go down and form again and you'll see probably after the 3rd time the hash its forming nice and hard and from there you can roll it.

Hope this helps you guys out.


Active Member
i use coffee filters to dry out the hash instead of putting the light on it. or does that make it lose potentcy


All right guys, great method.
I'd like to know the answer to the last guy's question as well.
But I have a question of my own.

I recently made a bit of hash from a couple grams of stems, leaves, and bits of bud -- all covered in trichomes -- and a couple fl. oz. of bacardi 151.
And I currently have a bottle of 99% isopropyl alcohol chillin that i toss stems and shake into. Using a lot more alcohol this time so it will yield more but take longer.

Anyway, I'm looking to increase yield here. I don't mind little bits of bud in my hash, as I'm sure everyone will be delighted nonetheless:bigjoint:
So, my question is; how well would this process work with alcohols? I mean do it all the same, with ice and dried frozen bud and freezer-temp. alcohol.
Then let settle, strain, and drain (or evaporate rather).

If I were to do this would it give a higher yield?
Could you grind up the bud and strain it all through a t-shirt, or coffee filter, as in the alcohol extraction process?
Would that decrease yield but increase potency?

Any feedback on any of these questions would be AWESOME.


Well-Known Member
Hey Hey,

I'm going to give this a try with the male plants i pullled a little while ago....still not sure if it's worth it seems to be some debate about the THC levels of male plants and if they produce resin glands at all...but i got nothing to loose.

I'm gonna try it as a practice run for when the females are ready.

Will post the results, as they become available.



Well-Known Member
Hey HEY,

Well i followed the procedure except i didn't wait as long as i probably should have. I got about 1 gram of sticky black from this, rolled it into one fatty. 2 of us could not finish it, so i would say it was pretty good.

SO i would say....this method works pretty good.



Well-Known Member
Helpful hint! Use a paper towel roll and WICK out the water. Touch the water and let the "quicker picker upper do its thing".....this gets The last bit of water remaining after syphoning