Goverment housing, monthly inspections, and growing marijuana super stealth


Well-Known Member
how is he living off the government if he pays rent and bills? talk about wasting our money and taxes how much money do you think we put forth to
aid in the criminalization of weed and instead we could spend it on useful things like prevention of hardcore drugs like meth and heroine and cocaine or maybe keep drunk people from crashing into peoples front yards and running over innocent people. or maybe we could spend that money to keep 16 yr old kids from shooting each other. or maybe you can tell everyone how our taxes keep the rich people paid while the middle class and low class get left for poverty but instead of fixing our own problems we dont do anything about them and focus on another country's problems. And here your telling this guy off cause he's growing weed in government housing...bongsmilie i think youv'e had way to many or not enough.


Well-Known Member
how is he living off the government if he pays rent and bills? talk about wasting our money and taxes how much money do you think we put forth to
aid in the criminalization of weed and instead we could spend it on useful things like prevention of hardcore drugs like meth and heroine and cocaine or maybe keep drunk people from crashing into peoples front yards and running over innocent people. or maybe we could spend that money to keep 16 yr old kids from shooting each other. or maybe you can tell everyone how our taxes keep the rich people paid while the middle class and low class get left for poverty but instead of fixing our own problems we dont do anything about them and focus on another country's problems. And here your telling this guy off cause he's growing weed in government housing...bongsmilie i think youv'e had way to many or not enough.
its people like you that keep our country in the shape its in now! you dont have to tell me our country is spending tax money the wrong way im pretty sure i said the same fuckin thing right above your comment! if you can read! and he may pay rent but the thing is he doesnt pay near as much as the house or apt. is charging the government ass! when you apply to put your house on a section 8 you charge alot more then the house is worth to the area! for instance the house may be 800 a month when the same house pretty much right next to it is 600 and thats cause the gov. will pay it. while the resident only pays 100 or 200! i am all for growing weed but you have to do it when you can, just cause you wanna grow weed doesnt mean you can, you have to be able to afford it. the money that hes spending on weed and or growing weed could be spent on working to get out of section 8. if more people did that maybe we could spend money on some of the things u listed above (not that it shouldn't be already) i shouldnt even be saying this since it was typed above, but for your simple slow minded ass i'll type it again i shouldnt have to pay for him to live in goverment housing when he can afford to pay for rent and if youd read his statement befor it says he spends hundreds of dollars on weed fuck that! if you would have just read what i said b4 i wouldn't have had to type this all over again plus u act like he actually pays rent and bills when it says in the original thread I LIVE IN GOVERNMENT HOUSING most of which cover all for like $25 a month i know many people doing the same shit you spent all the space above saying nothing. thanks for wasting my time if you don't get it this time you'll never get it so i hope you do cuz im not typing this again and its not that i disagree with government housing its that i don't agree with people living in it when they can afford not to cuz thats 1 more thing we have to pay for


Well-Known Member
ok now im with the other guy "No more paying hundreds of dollars a month for some 20 dollars a gram shit" we are paying for you to live there and if your paying hundreds of dollars on marijuana? i have a major problem with that! when i moved on my own i loved weed more then ne 1 but i had bills to pay so i settled for schwag (when i could afford it) cuz i had bills to pay you need to put that money towards moving out! now you wanna spend more money on starting a grow, electric, water, nutts, soil, and all that shit SAVE IT move out and stop bumming off me and the rest of the ppl who pay taxes cuz that money should be spent on better things like social security for the normal ppl who work for a living. yea you pay for rent but its only like fuckin 25 - 50 dollars BUM get out and get a fuckin job and dont give me all kinds of stories i grew up with no 1 but crack heads around me on the fuckin streets of philly no money but i worked put myself through college and didnt use the goverment i could and should have but i have more dignity then that i did it on my own i went many nights without food but i still did it with out useing other ppls hard earned money now.... i make 460,000 a year legit (master gardener) i own 6 houses an and grow in 5 of them CUZ I CAN AFFORD IT so grow up and make do with what YOU got not me and the rest of America asshole ! im sure if you actually lived like you were poor for a couple months you could afford to live somewhere else!
You have a major problem with that? Well im glad, i hope it pisses you off to the point where your face turns read and you shit all over your pants. Yeah you should have collected SSI as you say, you grew up with crack atticks, maby you got to many of those vapors cause that story you got there is alittle cracky itself. We pay nearly 200 dollars fyi and my mom is the chronic smoker, more so that i, but she has her medical reasons. My mom went through some rough times with ice wich has devistated her life and she is sober now for about 6 years, she has so little energy that she sleeps 14 hrs a day and rarely leaves her bed. You should be happy your selfish ass is helping out someon recover from such a nasty epidemic.


Well-Known Member
You have a major problem with that? Well im glad, i hope it pisses you off to the point where your face turns read and you shit all over your pants. Yeah you should have collected SSI as you say, you grew up with crack atticks, maby you got to many of those vapors cause that story you got there is alittle cracky itself. We pay nearly 200 dollars fyi and my mom is the chronic smoker, more so that i, but she has her medical reasons. My mom went through some rough times with ice wich has devistated her life and she is sober now for about 6 years, she has so little energy that she sleeps 14 hrs a day and rarely leaves her bed. You should be happy your selfish ass is helping out someon recover from such a nasty epidemic.
200 dollars a month? :confused:


Well-Known Member
its people like you that keep our country in the shape its in now! you dont have to tell me our country is spending tax money the wrong way im pretty sure i said the same fuckin thing right above your comment! if you can read! and he may pay rent but the thing is he doesnt pay near as much as the house or apt. is charging the government ass! when you apply to put your house on a section 8 you charge alot more then the house is worth to the area! for instance the house may be 800 a month when the same house pretty much right next to it is 600 and thats cause the gov. will pay it. while the resident only pays 100 or 200! i am all for growing weed but you have to do it when you can, just cause you wanna grow weed doesnt mean you can, you have to be able to afford it. the money that hes spending on weed and or growing weed could be spent on working to get out of section 8. if more people did that maybe we could spend money on some of the things u listed above (not that it shouldn't be already) i shouldnt even be saying this since it was typed above, but for your simple slow minded ass i'll type it again i shouldnt have to pay for him to live in goverment housing when he can afford to pay for rent and if youd read his statement befor it says he spends hundreds of dollars on weed fuck that! if you would have just read what i said b4 i wouldn't have had to type this all over again plus u act like he actually pays rent and bills when it says in the original thread I LIVE IN GOVERNMENT HOUSING most of which cover all for like $25 a month i know many people doing the same shit you spent all the space above saying nothing. thanks for wasting my time if you don't get it this time you'll never get it so i hope you do cuz im not typing this again and its not that i disagree with government housing its that i don't agree with people living in it when they can afford not to cuz thats 1 more thing we have to pay for
10 fighter jets+10 tanks+10 trucks+10 helicopters+10 warships+10 submarines+10 nukes+10 guns+10 soldiers+10 bullets=The end of the whole worlds poverty.

Do you really believe that you pay for these people to live out of your taxes?

Do you have any idea what would happen to the place you live in if we as a world community did nothing to support the weaker and poorer members of society?

How does 20 million american beggers,thiefs,nutters and god knows what else with no hope on drugs and drink with no where to live sound to you?

Really you need to re-examine you theories.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
talk about fumes motherfucker pick up a dictionary and learn to spell my mom went through the same shit but guess what i got off my ass and did something with my life and got my mom out and in a good place now any good son would do the same thing ass don't blame it on the education system either cuz i went to school with no books but guess what thats what libraries are for GET EDUCATED bum and your paying 200 a month even worse cuz that means you don't have to pay much more for the house and be off assistance theres no excuse for what your doing i went through the worst and made it out fine and so can you just show some ambition you cant honestly say your trying to get off assistance cuz u don't have a medical condition so stop smoking for a while and get a fucking job make some money and stop taking the easy way out


Well-Known Member
is bumming when you dont need to helping the country?????? NO so stop sayin the same shit i know things are fucked up with budgeting for the third time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
talk about fumes motherfucker pick up a dictionary and learn to spell my mom went through the same shit but guess what i got off my ass and did something with my life and got my mom out and in a good place now any good son would do the same thing ass don't blame it on the education system either cuz i went to school with no books but guess what thats what libraries are for GET EDUCATED bum and your paying 200 a month even worse cuz that means you don't have to pay much more for the house and be off assistance theres no excuse for what your doing i went through the worst and made it out fine and so can you just show some ambition you cant honestly say your trying to get off assistance cuz u don't have a medical condition so stop smoking for a while and get a fucking job make some money and stop taking the easy way out
Hey originalstain whats your opinion on this? Flash » You Are an Idiot


Well-Known Member
ive said 4 times now this country has bad bugeting problems but is he helping with bumming off the govenment???? answer that please


Well-Known Member
ive said 4 times now this country has bad bugeting problems but is he helping with bumming off the govenment???? answer that please
You just dont get it do you.
Tell me why he shouldn't be allowed to grow weed again.
Do you really think that weed is only for people that can afford it?
I will pray for your enlightenment,expect this to happen whether you like it or not:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i dont think he should be spending money on growing or buying weed when he is bumming off me now answer my question please


Well-Known Member
and ive already accepted that tons of people are doin the same thing and even worse but i cant give them my opinion like i can you and im happy just sayin what i said cuz you and him both heard me and are pissed about or you wouldnt be on this childish game (you are an idiot what are you 12) and you still wont answer my question since you know im right