goverment shutdown


Well-Known Member
well if it happens it will only be the feds , and its not actually 'shutting the doors'

The only thing that happens will be federal agencys and those directly funded by the feds will have budget issues while the details are hatched out

If it goes long enouth SS and welfare ect. payments will be with holded , Since those programs are broke


New Member
I certainly hope they reduce all government workers (military exemption) pay and benefits by about 50%
in the funding. This should help somewhat.


Well-Known Member
I certainly hope they reduce all government workers (military exemption) pay and benefits by about 50%
in the funding. This should help somewhat.
What an idiotic comment.

Fire the congress and you wouldn't be paying over $200,000 a year + benefits for these business criminals to fuck you and your community and then go work for a lobbying firm making god knows how much a year teaching the next group of business criminals how it's done.


Basically all "non-essential" services like say dept of education ( we can do with out ) , dept of consumer protection ( can also do with out ) , and all the other stuff we don't really need in the first place will shut down and the government will end up in a state of existence similar to what is was before FDR started the MASSIVE expansion of the federal government back in 1937. I say shut it all down anyway, get the feds and their fluff out of our lives and lets get back to how it was before FDR, Fun fact, being a congressman or Senator prior to 1937 was a part time job. FOr an example of what the government used to be like, look at Texas. That's the way the federal Government *SHOULD* run. What we have now is a congress full of Neo-socialists who are advancing King Obama's Neo-socialist agenda. And I hate to say this about my beloved Constitution ( I am a libertarian ) , But at Midnight , September 30 , The constitution will be put to death , and Obama will officialy be a dictator. Don't believe me? Go read the affordable health care act. There is a reason they passed it in secret, There is a reason they are pushing so hard for it to take effect. Hidden in the law is the ability for Obama to basically do what ever the hell he wants regardless of what the Constitution says. Seriously, go read it.

And just how is a smaller government a bad idea? Have you seen the ridiculous things our government spend money on? Robo-squirrel? turtle crossings? i mean really? What happened to a government For the people, by the people? Ill tell you. Progressives ( aka "Liberal Democrats" ) like FDR , Woodrow Wilson, and the like decided they knew better what was good for you than you did, and, fast forward to 2013 and this is the mess we are in. I mean seriously who passes a bill in congress without knowing what it contains unless you already know and don't want people to find out until it is law. "Well , we will have to pass the affordable heath care act to find out what is in it" - Nancy Pelosi


Well-Known Member
Basically all "non-essential" services like say dept of education ( we can do with out ) , dept of consumer protection ( can also do with out ) , and all the other stuff we don't really need in the first place will shut down and the government will end up in a state of existence similar to what is was before FDR started the MASSIVE expansion of the federal government back in 1937. I say shut it all down anyway, get the feds and their fluff out of our lives and lets get back to how it was before FDR, Fun fact, being a congressman or Senator prior to 1937 was a part time job. FOr an example of what the government used to be like, look at Texas. That's the way the federal Government *SHOULD* run. What we have now is a congress full of Neo-socialists who are advancing King Obama's Neo-socialist agenda. And I hate to say this about my beloved Constitution ( I am a libertarian ) , But at Midnight , September 30 , The constitution will be put to death , and Obama will officialy be a dictator. Don't believe me? Go read the affordable health care act. There is a reason they passed it in secret, There is a reason they are pushing so hard for it to take effect. Hidden in the law is the ability for Obama to basically do what ever the hell he wants regardless of what the Constitution says. Seriously, go read it.
And who said? No one is above the Law.


That the thing, The affordable heath care act IS the law, Thus all the new powers hidden in it effectively Nullifys the Constitution. Did you know under "Obamacare" doctors are now REQUIRED to ask you about how many guns you own, what kind of guns they are, how much ammuntion you have for them AND where you store them in your home? And some Doctors have admitted , they will get a $3000.00 bonus from the government IF they convince you to turn in your guns?


Isnt that horse Hockey? or are they closely related, same strain, different phenotypes maybe? <--see what I did there :mrgreen:

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
I heard everyone was going to be rounded up and sent to FEMA camps to make healthcare easier to provide. I seen it in the 2000 page bill. I seen it.


Well-Known Member
That the thing, The affordable heath care act IS the law, Thus all the new powers hidden in it effectively Nullifys the Constitution. Did you know under "Obamacare" doctors are now REQUIRED to ask you about how many guns you own, what kind of guns they are, how much ammuntion you have for them AND where you store them in your home? And some Doctors have admitted , they will get a $3000.00 bonus from the government IF they convince you to turn in your guns?
I will simply tell my doctor to go fuck himself, it's not his business. In my state we are not required to register guns, so there is no way i'm sharing this info with him just because he asks.

"at Midnight , September 30 , The constitution will be put to death , and Obama will officialy be a dictator." pretty bold statement. got anymore examples besides the one above to show he will be a dictator?

don't get me wrong, I think the terrorist won when they flew those planes into the towers. We lost so much of our freedom already. From Bush's free speech zones, not being able to get on a plane without being molested, NSA able to spy on Americans which is not there job by law, etc... but what makes this health care legislation the final nail in the coffin?

I was taught this country was the home of the brave, but one terrorist attack, allowed the politicians to take advantage of the cowering mindset of some Americas and seize powers that are not theres to take from us. paraphrasing here, those who would give up freedom for security deserve neither. I want my country back. I will take the slim risk of being killed by a terrorist over living in a police state. I feel like we should be calling eachother comrade instead of fellow citizen.

El Tiberon

Active Member
Your credit rating will lower and interest rates will rise along with the cost of common goods. Inflation will cause this to hurt many in the US and around the world. Expect oil prices to go up. This in turn will affect food prices.


Progressive Mantra : Never let a good crisis go to waste.

"those that give up liberty for security deserve neither" - Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Basically all "non-essential" services like say dept of education ( we can do with out ) , dept of consumer protection ( can also do with out ) , and all the other stuff we don't really need in the first place will shut down and the government will end up in a state of existence similar to what is was before FDR started the MASSIVE expansion of the federal government back in 1937. I say shut it all down anyway, get the feds and their fluff out of our lives and lets get back to how it was before FDR, Fun fact, being a congressman or Senator prior to 1937 was a part time job. FOr an example of what the government used to be like, look at Texas. That's the way the federal Government *SHOULD* run. What we have now is a congress full of Neo-socialists who are advancing King Obama's Neo-socialist agenda. And I hate to say this about my beloved Constitution ( I am a libertarian ) , But at Midnight , September 30 , The constitution will be put to death , and Obama will officialy be a dictator. Don't believe me? Go read the affordable health care act. There is a reason they passed it in secret, There is a reason they are pushing so hard for it to take effect. Hidden in the law is the ability for Obama to basically do what ever the hell he wants regardless of what the Constitution says. Seriously, go read it.

And just how is a smaller government a bad idea? Have you seen the ridiculous things our government spend money on? Robo-squirrel? turtle crossings? i mean really? What happened to a government For the people, by the people? Ill tell you. Progressives ( aka "Liberal Democrats" ) like FDR , Woodrow Wilson, and the like decided they knew better what was good for you than you did, and, fast forward to 2013 and this is the mess we are in. I mean seriously who passes a bill in congress without knowing what it contains unless you already know and don't want people to find out until it is law. "Well , we will have to pass the affordable heath care act to find out what is in it" - Nancy Pelosi
LOL dunk your head in the kool-aid bro? Barack Obama is about as far from a socialist as you can get. But keep watching Fox and for god's sake, don't stop blowing Michael Savage.
There's no shortage of fucking morons on this site.


You really think I get my info from fox news? How stoned are you? and Kool-Aid? sounds to me like you are a Obama voter and also a progressive. Nothing wrong with that, to each his own, but really?


New Member
LOL dunk your head in the kool-aid bro? Barack Obama is about as far from a socialist as you can get. But keep watching Fox and for god's sake, don't stop blowing Michael Savage.
There's no shortage of fucking morons on this site.

What would you call him a Communist or a criminal?

El Tiberon

Active Member
As of this moment, Japan has not seen a dramatic drop but is in decline. Hong Kong is down but a non-trading day because of holiday. This is early in the trading.