Niether I would say Neo-socialist, He wants universal health care, Obama care being the stepping stone for a single payer heath care system, Re-distrubution of wealth, Well known Marxist idealism there, Cap and trade, not saying we should not find smarter ways to produce energy but making it to expensive for everyone is NOT the answer, "Sustainable Development" aka Adgenda 21 and That my friends is openly availible on the UN website, Submit a budget which he is required by LAW to do, yet has yet to do so, a video started the Bengazi Attack? really? Common Core, aka Transformitive Education - Purely progressive Idea, "You didnt build that!" Uhh What? It sure as fuck wasnt you busting your ass. ect, so a healthy mix of marxist, socialist and comunist views and ideals, Oh and lets not for get suspending Artical 14 title 2828 of the US Code in which it is TREASON to provide aid and comfort to stated enemies of the united states so he could send arms to the rebels in Syria OF which Al Quida is a part of. Hmm if you or I did that we would be charged with treason, why hasn't he?
Gun control laws that are now even in obama care?
so Yea, Neo-socialist.
Gun control laws that are now even in obama care?
so Yea, Neo-socialist.