Government announcement

You are exactly right about that.... that is why they did not appeal - they (HC) got what they wanted.
LOL from the first minute this views like a make work project for some people. To keep kids safe and those baaaaaad crininals. Yes sure do keep kids safe from being born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

So Aug 24 I guess we'll get the most looped holed system they can come up with with out breaking the judges decision, price of weed will go up, small towns might get a surge of new residence and generator sales will go up?

I'd imagine this hasher penalties thing is a precursor the possible RCMP being let loose on illegal home grows after Aug 24th.

I see what you did there .
I also believed that phelans decision was worded so that if they found a way to provide accessibility we could not grow. I also think it would be a tough sell when the education system and health system needs so much money, to tell John Q Public that their tax dollars are paying for peoples weed. Every rec user would get themselves a medical ticket for their ingrown pubes.

Yep. And even if it was in black and white, our Justice minister has stated on a case very similar to Allard they they aren't bound to follow court decisions if their legislation is still 'Charter compliant'.

At this rate I'd bet on the USA getting proper legalization before we do.
Yep. And even if it was in black and white, our Justice minister has stated on a case very similar to Allard they they aren't bound to follow court decisions if their legislation is still 'Charter compliant'..
that's the scary thought for me.
just barely compliant and they'll think it's all good. just like the past.
i really think we're headed back to court
the writing has been on the wall for months

If legalization (weasel word) was to happen the way any of us see it, it would have already happened.
-They would not have picked six hang men to over see it.
-There would be no vale of secrecy, good news travels fast - if I had something people wanted I would let them know - wouldn't you?
-Medical people (us) would have been informed, updated, and not in court for the last hundred years literally.

On the other hand if one is a sneaky little pecker head and would promise anything to get elected then one might also;
-Try to create fear over false (flag) issues - like those poor children. So why then does the CDC say that 76% of youth have tried booze and 28% have tried cannabis. So then why isn't the "black market" in charge of booze - they have a better record. Clearly something is wrong there.
A 7 -10 billion dollar market, how many of those billions are coming from kids and were did kids get billions of dollars from any ways???
-Try to stall to figure out things like; taxes, how to force compliance, gain public support through miss information, and provide a whimsical internet survey and comment red herring program. What is this - Americas got fuckin talent, were we get to vote - WOW.I feel like a part of the process already. Too bad it would have no baring.

I might also spend a bunch of cash on a mock -you-mentorie to try to appease the "pot heads" - just hope uNcLe bILl doesn't say anything stupid. Kinda like todays...


thank god for the BM...
Try the free market - free from bullshit...

whelp. business as usual. at least my nest egg is secure. how many times have i said that. fuck i hate guns.