Government claims it owns children, threatens 2nd mom with jail

What I said made perfect sense. It is not my issue you are to ignorant to understand. That obviously aligns with your inability to argue in a logical manner and your not understanding even the most rudimentary facts about public health and statutory rape. Your delusions are disgusting, Abe.

*too ignorant
Controlled substances falls under commerce control, not control of individual consumption.

Again, there is no evidence that "forcible injection" has occurred.

To prevent a person from consuming something they'd like to consume is simply the inverse of insisting a person consume something they don't want to. Naming which regulatory agency holds the whip doesn't address the idea that in either case it's wrong.

If there is no forcible injection, how would you propose instituting vaccines, on a voluntary basis ?
But you want it to be legal to fuck children anyways

You know, laying around your house, in your dirty socks obsessively peeking out the window at the kids at the bus stop might cause the cops to come back to your house and find all of your pictures of you "petting" your dogs.
Precisely, currently it's vaccinate or put your money where your mouth is and educate at home. But that's horrific that an anti-vaxer would be expected to put their money (time and effort) where their mouth is; lazy snowflakes.

That was the issue with this entire bullshit thread. The dad wanted his kids to be vaccinated. So no one was forced. Did the kids want vaccines or not isn't an issue as they were under the age of consent, which concept completely escapes the OP.

The age of consent is the, sick, issue of the OP.

That's kind of a suspicious projection you did here and your other comment contradicts your feigned indignation.

Are you saying the mother and / or children should have no say in whether or not somebody will put something in the childs body ?

So you are ENDORSING a forcible invasion of a childs body who is unable to / didn't consent ?
That's fucking rich.

Pedophile uses distorted libertarian logic to justify his own predatory sex offender tendencies, not to mention racism.

You're a whiny sick fuck who spends 100's of posts trying to defend it.

You damn dirty ape.

Well I'm opposed to forcibly initiating an interaction with people who are leaving me alone, which means if a person hasn't or can't consent to something, it's best to leave them alone.

You seem unable to wriggle out of the possibility that you endorse force systemically, even against children, and instead have joined in with the imbecile Chezus to malign me, because your cognitive dissonance hard on is fucking you to death internally. It will take a long time to fuck you to death though, since it is likely it's a very tiny tiny hard on.
Well I'm opposed to forcibly initiating an interaction with people who are leaving me alone, which means if a person hasn't or can't consent to something, it's best to leave them alone.

You seem unable to wriggle out of the possibility that you endorse force systemically, even against children, and instead have joined in with the imbecile Chezus to malign me, because your cognitive dissonance hard on is fucking you to death internally. It will take a long time to fuck you to death though, since it is likely it's a very tiny tiny hard on.


Pedophiles like yourself have nothing relevant to say here.

You're marked forever. You should have stuck with tax evasion, you antisocial ape.

Pedophiles like yourself have nothing relevant to say here.

You're marked forever. You should have stuck with tax evasion, you antisocial ape.

Hey I know, how about you repeat a lie so often that it becomes true ?

That way you don't have to use your weak argumentation skills to answer any questions and when you're called out on it, you can shout "PEDO" really really loud and you will win?
You're the ignorant fuck that said it.

Nobody put words in your foul fucking mouth.

YOU said it. YOU, no one else. YOU.

Fucking pedophile and racist. 1000 more posts won't change it.

Well, that was a stunning argument. Lol. Let me guess, Captain of the Debate Team ?
A 'real debate' about the age of consent?

How FUCKING sick are you?

I don't support the initiation of nonconsensual human interactions, so I don't think a person who hasn't or can't consent to something should be made to interact.

What do you find sickening about that statement maam?
So, in order to avoid a real debate or discussion, you prefer to cast false allegations and insults. Well, have a nice day.
The confusion comes when you can't simple say, A MINOR CANNOT CONSENT TO SEX WITH AN ADULT.
A 14 year cannot say YES to a 25 year old for sex. The 25 year old is fucking wrong and needs jail time.
Simple say this and we can move forward
The confusion comes when you can't simple say, A MINOR CANNOT CONSENT TO SEX WITH AN ADULT.
A 14 year cannot say YES to a 25 year old for sex. The 25 year old is fucking wrong and needs jail time.
Simple say this and we can move forward

So, I hear you talking, and I think we agree that we'd not like the actions you describe above, but the question you seem to have failed to address is what do you think makes that so ?

It seems you are saying the ability to consent to something is somehow external from the individual person and coincides with some kind of arbitrary number determined by some kind of statute which varies from location to location. How is that possible ?