Government has my money - I can't access it


Well-Known Member
So this is news to me....I had money in my Paypal account...Today I transferred some money to my regular bank account from it....

I had to do this as me and me and my gf lost our jobs and are way behind on all bills, and broke....Well after I did the transfer I never got the money in my regular bank account.....

So I called Paypal and they said to call my bank, they said they transfered the money already....So I did...I asked where is my money ?

Well, the bank did some research, and apparently my money is in the Federal Reserve, and I SHOULD have it by Friday - no guarantees....

What the fuck is going on in this country ? This is my money...A transfer from one of my own personal accounts to another, and the US Govt has to step in and take it from me for a week ?
What is the purpose of this ? Has anyone ever heard of this before ? My gf and I really need this money right now...Our cupboards are bare, we need money for groceries, etc......This is our money, how can they not allow us to have access to it ?

This govt is really starting to get on my f'n nerves. WTF is going on here ?
Fuck those stupid moronic protesters; they are nothing but a bunch of paid shills with entitlement mentalities.
So this is news to me....I had money in my Paypal account...Today I transferred some money to my regular bank account from it....

I had to do this as me and me and my gf lost our jobs and are way behind on all bills, and broke....Well after I did the transfer I never got the money in my regular bank account.....

So I called Paypal and they said to call my bank, they said they transfered the money already....So I did...I asked where is my money ?

Well, the bank did some research, and apparently my money is in the Federal Reserve, and I SHOULD have it by Friday - no guarantees....

What the fuck is going on in this country ? This is my money...A transfer from one of my own personal accounts to another, and the US Govt has to step in and take it from me for a week ?
What is the purpose of this ? Has anyone ever heard of this before ? My gf and I really need this money right now...Our cupboards are bare, we need money for groceries, etc......This is our money, how can they not allow us to have access to it ?

This govt is really starting to get on my f'n nerves. WTF is going on here ?

That's fucked up dude. I hate the government and I hate paypal too,
How much did you transfer, if you dont mind me asking? If its a large sum they might be auditing it to make sure your not laundering it or some shit.
Dont care to say how much it is...It's not like 20 buck or something...Not like $3000 either...It would have helped us pay bills and buy groceries though...

And Jonblaze420...I am not making this up...In fact I called my bank twice..Once around 1pm then they told me to try back at like 3:30...Both times the CS Rep did some research...they contacted a supervisor, etc...They both told me the same thing....Some kind of federal law they take your money and hold onto it..I said for what , and one didnt know and the other said maybe they are doing some kind of research....That CS Rep said she was surprised at this law and never even heard of it....

Research or not, this is bullshit...The money has gone from one of my own accounts to another of my own accounts...I need it right now, and I am not allowed to access it.
you can always move to Canada but I think your paypal account will still operate the same way :lol:

It's a possibility for me I am considering...I also enjoy playing online poker but our govt doesn't like that either, and has closed down 4 or 5 of my accounts now...One time they held like 300 bucks of mine for a year (neteller fiasco)