Well-Known Member
I don't steal. I'm just telling you what's in the book
i'm glad that you don't steal.
but there is no difference in my eyes between the person that steals or the person that tells another person how to steal. both end up costing everyone else more money in the end.
and trying to point out to you that America is in TERRIBLE condition.
That's great that your family has money. If it's in American currency it will mean NOTHING to the world very soon.
money and land will not mean "nothing" anytime soon.
Because America IS falling apart.
again, specify.
And I understand you're (spelled right for you) a grammar Nazi. But that just makes you MORE dense.
thank you.
but how does understanding how to properly use the language i speak make me more dense?
And the Voting system does not work the way it is supposed to.
the constitution lays out how voting should occur. i see that it happens that way with my own two eyes.
can you name a manner in which voting does not occur as the constitution prescribes? article and section, please.
WE DO NOT LIVE IN A PERFECT AMERICA. Or even a real democracy. Stop acting like we do.
i do not claim we live in a democracy. i claim that we live in a constitutional republic.
Not everyone is represented.
like who? felons and foreigners and those who do not vote?
Social Security is a scam now.
that scam is fine until 2037, fine until 2084 at partial payouts, and fine forever if we simply raise the cap and/or retirement age.
Shit is CRAZY right now. Why are you acting like it's ok? For the sake of argument?
shit is just fine right here.