Government Shutdown, Who Gets The Blame?


Well-Known Member
furthermore, JohnnyOrganic, the fact that you call alex jones an "Entertainer" is quite telling in and of itself. But i guess the definition applies, but if he qualifies as entertainer then so does Josef Goebbels. Jones is not trying to entertain you; can you say "PsyOps?" his tactics are textbook... literally.
In HIS VIDEO Police State 4 the rise of FEMA (he reeled me in with that title...) he tells his videographers "FOLLOW THE ANARCHISTS!!" why would he do that? cuz he knows WE are the last line of defense for personal freedom.
but whatever; believe what you want. have fun with all the other sheep in the FEMA CAMPS. I'll be fighting or gone. either way, I'm stoked.
Jones, as far as I know, is not a government operative. Therefore his 'Big Lie' is strictly entertainment.

And that is where your utterly simplistic comparison to Goebbels falls flat.

I have experienced Anarchy up close and personal. Do you know what it smelled like?

Burning tires, diesel fumes, cordite, decay, and shit.

There was no harmony. Only misery.


Well-Known Member
Jones, as far as I know, is not a government operative. Therefore his 'Big Lie' is strictly entertainment.

And that is where your utterly simplistic comparison to Goebbels falls flat.

I have experienced Anarchy up close and personal. Do you know what it smelled like?

Burning tires, diesel fumes, cordite, decay, and shit.

There was no harmony. Only misery.
dude you have different types of can actually have organized and controlled anarchy...Anarchy is from the Greek meaning without ruler/leader...not all anarchy has to be as you say...I thought you believed in Libertarianism ( which can be a form of anarchy).


Well-Known Member
You don't have any of your facts straight. Obama has compromised with the GOP time and time again. They have been nothing but obstructionists. Obama compromised on the tax cuts for the rich, angering many in his own party, by agreeing to extend the Bush tax cuts to the rich for 2 more years. Those same tax cuts add 70 billion each year to the deficit, but the GOP insisted on it, and Obama compromised his position. He compromised on the latest budget standoff. Many Democrats think Obama compromises too much, so imagine my laughing at your claim he NEVER compromises... Please.....

As for deficit spending, you aren't even close. President BUSH spent more deficit money than all previous presidents combined, including Reagans rush to a 600 ship Navy. How in the hell has Obama outspent all of that in 2 years? That claim is just utterly ridiculous.

The only ones holding up military salaries were the GOP, over funding for planned parenthood..... AFTER the Democrats agreed to their spending cuts. Sorry to see that the party sickens you to your "core", but perhaps if your core would open it's eye's and consider truth over deceit, you'd feel a lot better. ;)

LOL this from a guy complaining about an "informed electorate"? Name one time Obama has compromised. I mean, ever! You can't, because he hasn't. And you forget that the only reason this is happening right now is because the democrats, when they owned a veto-prtoof majority in congress, refused to pass a budget for 2 years!

The budget deficit in February alone was larger than any single year in Bush's entire presidency. Right now we have an administration and a democratic party who are IMO intentionally trying to bankrupt our county. Why? I dunno... perhaps because of this fucked-up viewpoint of the left that everything/anything wrong in the world is due to America and/or capitalism. I just don't get it.

And now they're trying to hold the military's salaries up, hostage to theire attempt to spend us into oblivion? Public-sector union employees, there they have absolutely zero tolerance for the slightest concession, but they throw the US military under the bus in a heartbeat? And all in an attempt to try to somehow twist it to blame the republicans (with the lapdog media's help, of course). Today's democratic party sickens me to the very core. The spineless republican party is almost as sickening for letting the left dictate terms for the wholesale destruction of our nation (and when they were in power they spent way too much as well, but still an order of magnitude less).

If we survive as a nation until 2012 and a different president, it will be a fricken miracle!


Well-Known Member
dude you have different types of can actually have organized and controlled anarchy...Anarchy is from the Greek meaning without ruler/leader...not all anarchy has to be as you say...I thought you believed in Libertarianism ( which can be a form of anarchy).
In the history of human civilization, there has never been a society which was totally flat. All were, and are, hierarchical in some form or fashion. Meaning there are haves and have-nots under any conceivable system of government.

We all may be CREATED equal, but that just is the beginning. It is not the result.

The idea that people can live together in peace and harmony as equals is a pipe dream. There will always be someone stronger and more ruthless just around the corner willing and able to take whatever he wants from the weak. Anarchy as a political system, does not factor this reality in. Which is why it is unsustainable.

This is why I prefer a REPUBLIC as a form of government.


Well-Known Member
And yes, LF. There are Anarchist Libertarians, but they represent the extreme fringes.

MOST Libertarians favor LIMITED government in the form of a REPUBLIC.


Well-Known Member
ok so I guess we agree on that point of anarchist libertarians...but is a child born (or as you say created) blind equal to a child born with sight.?????


Well-Known Member
ok so I guess we agree on that point of anarchist libertarians...but is a child born (or as you say created) blind equal to a child born with sight.?????
I only used the word 'created' as it was used by Thomas Jefferson. Which means created by NATURE.

I have no way of answering your question. Historically some societies and cultures would say 'no' and throw said child off a cliff. Or they would euthanize them for their own 'good.'

Thankfully, ours is not one of those. A child born blind is blind through no fault of their own.

You want to get esoteric? Start a philosophy thread.

I'll be right there.


Well-Known Member
I only used the word 'created' as it was used by Thomas Jefferson. Which means created by NATURE.

I have no way of answering your question. Historically some societies and cultures would say 'no' and throw said child off a cliff. Or they would euthanize them for their own 'good.'

Thankfully, ours is not one of those. A child born blind is blind through no fault of their own.

You want to get esoteric? Start a philosophy thread.

I'll be right there.
lol...just smoking some nicly cured Big Buddah Blue me ...I'm glad that our country would supply benefits and aid to the blind child...because sadly he was not born equal...


Well-Known Member
A child born blind still enjoys the same rights as everyone else.

So in that sense, they are indeed, equal.

I guess I answered your question after all.


Well-Known Member
If I understand things right these cuts are a small percent of the bigger picture and will turn medicare, food stamps and something else into a block grant.

So if your state needs more too bad.

I think they are eliminating medicare as we know it. You will get a voucher to buy insurance if you can find insurance.
That is what I believe I understand..

So the first round takes billions from the poor and elderly.

So far the ultra-wealthy are safe. Oh boy I'm sure we are much better for that.

The details will dribble down the Congressional leg after they are done fucking the poor next week.

But God save the Imperialism! We all know the USA cannot survive with out it.


Well-Known Member
But the funny thing is, whenever Progressive protests turn violent it is the Anarchists who seem to be right in the middle of it.

Why do you think that is?

I have read a book or two. And I do understand the pipe dream that Anarchists claim to strive for.

The tribal utopia where there is no avarice. No violence. No warlords. Just shiny happy peace. People all getting along as equals.

It's all bullshit and you know it. If you don't know it you are kidding yourself.
wrong again, my good friend. in the absence of poverty, what is the motivation for property crimes? there will be no warlords because all will be warriors. the avaricious among us will fall prey to the aforementioned social darwinism. it's only the closed minded that make it a pipe dream. we as human beings are called to better by our Creator.... and your children and mine will see it come to pass. but hey, don't listen to me; I'm just an asshole, but when your own kids start tellin you these same things I'm tellin you know, just remember you heard it here first.
In closing I leave this thread with this message for my detractors[video=youtube;f_rLdprT81Q][/video]


Well-Known Member
Jones, as far as I know, is not a government operative. Therefore his 'Big Lie' is strictly entertainment.

And that is where your utterly simplistic comparison to Goebbels falls flat.

I have experienced Anarchy up close and personal. Do you know what it smelled like?

Burning tires, diesel fumes, cordite, decay, and shit.

There was no harmony. Only misery.

you're absolutely right; Goebbels wasn't a government employee either until the National Socialists took power. Jones works for the John Birch Society; the American equivalent of the Nazi Party.

ok, thanks for relaying how it smelled. how did it FEEL? No authority relinquishes itself of it's own volition, it must taken down by force. of course there's going to be what you call "anarchy" in the begining; call it growing pains, but we'll be a better society for it. I do not advocate anything our founding fathers didn't have in mind as an end goal for this Republic.
"There should be a revolution every 20 years." T. Jefferson


Well-Known Member
For the life of me I simply cannot grasp how an educated, free-spirited human being could so dearly cling to the chains which hold him captive. I agree that the extreme left and extreme right overlap in the circle of things, but to violently different ends and goals. You want a working example of an Anarchist community? Ever hear of Buenaventura Durruti? Emiliano Zapata? Anarchy works just fine; it's the other power structures that feel threatened by their prosperity, fearing their own subjects will realize that they too can live unencumbered and self fulfilled, that will not leave anarchists in peace. Therefore these power structures MUST be abandoned or outright destroyed before personal freedom can truly exist on any real meaningful level. We were given a Republic; we blew it with apathy and lack of vigilance for the militarist tendencies in modern human society that invariably lead to self destruction (which is precisely why President Washington was ardently opposed to the creation of a standing military!!!!! he knew it would eventually be used against the populace especially when the elective process had been usurped [George w.])


Well-Known Member
the road to True Anarchism doesn't end with the dismantling of the current State; far be it, for this is merely the first step. Do NOT think for a second that we don't know that the power hungry would seek to exploit our efforts, which is why one of our basic tenets is vigilance against any and all who would seek to rebuild any form of the State, irregardless of how benign it may seem at its inception. thats where the Bolsheviks blew it. replacing one broken wheel with another is never a solution. so long as the State posseses power it will be at mankinds expense.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State..” Josef Goebbels


Well-Known Member
"I have experienced Anarchy up close and personal. Do you know what it smelled like?

Burning tires, diesel fumes, cordite, decay, and shit.

There was no harmony. Only misery." my new buddy, JohnnyOrganic

um no dude, what you experienced was CHAOS not anarchy. the powers that be would have you make no distinction between the two and they are very pleased with your obedience. the free association and mutual respect we strive for was nowhere at these demonstrations. I was at Philly. I was in prison for Seattle or I'd have been there too. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!!![video=youtube;eBK9cFECLGQ][/video]