gowing problems with pics


Well-Known Member
what is schulz? nurtients? and ur temp might be to high, get a thermomiter... you dont want it above 90... 70-86 is prime.. unless u use c02... then they like 90'f cause the c02 helps them grow faster... and they take up more nutrients at 90... but only if ur using c02

big t.a

Active Member
hope you get answers cause I have the same thing happening but only on the upper growing tips and the girls are 4wks into flower. I am/was also using shultz orchid. A hydro supply & grower recommened it but another has told me too much crap in it so I scrapped it and went with flora nova. I flushed last night. I also raised the lights 2 days ago. I hope someone has some insight. My thoughts are with too much humidity at nite when the fans were off and the girls were too many nites with all the carbon used from the air. Perhaps the stress from growth to flower stage also added to their stress and the gals are just being bitchy.:hump::joint: