
Well-Known Member

How old are you? Have you even bet any thing in your entire life? You bet me my account, i accepted, i lost, i gave you the account, again whats the problem?!? You can't be adding shit on after the person you bet accepted. That like we be playing poker, you bet me $100, i called and lost then you saying i owe you $100 more dollars.

So, we hit a nice egg sale earlier at Meijer....50 cent cartons, I went ahead and grabbed 20 or so and called my fam and friends and let 'em know it was egg season on the house...



Well-Known Member

So, we hit a nice egg sale earlier at Meijer....50 cent cartons, I went ahead and grabbed 20 or so and called my fam and friends and let 'em know it was egg season on the house...

Oh gods, I love that site. So much yummy stuff.


Well-Known Member
Move bitch!
Wait you've been here two days? You might be diseased, i cant move on you heavily till i see your Bill of Health and your financials, marriage cert.

For now I'll share my poem with you. Youre probably a person who enjoys verse.

Grab Them by the Pussy.

I moved on her very heavily.
I moved on her like a bitch
in case I start kissing her

magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.

You can do anything.
Grab Them by the Pussy.
You can do anything.


I even posted two hint videos in the other thread... Fuck Donald Trump with a prickly pear! I have made SO much money on social media (facebook), and websites selling affiliate bullshit to his supporters. Better jump on this Trump (money) Train before it's too late!

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You are supposed to be gone.

Good thing you didn't make that bet with Joey the nose.
I swear to you, this kor420 dude y'all speak of i don't no of. I just fell in character when i was accused of this dude. I Just look into his posts and seen what he posted and went off of it.


Well-Known Member
It also seems like most of y'all forgot about Bill getting his dingy sucked in the oval office by his side piece, and all his other bimbos after & before. How quickly you forget when it involves a member of your "team". lol
Remember all the money and time they wasted trying to have Bill impeached after that? Lewinsky slobbed his knob and loved it. But, when Trump talks about sexually assaulting women, the reich-wing takes an apoligist stance. You talk about hypocrites...


Well-Known Member
We've had sick fuk politicians sexually abusing women and children forever but Trump has plumbed new depths with this incitement for the rich to grab pussy with impunity, a new level of brazen criminality which he promotes like a brand, the 80s "greed is good" has been updated with Trumps "grope is good"