
Well-Known Member
I have no problem with Hillary acting as an attorney & defending criminals,I do take extreme offense at her lack of ethics & problem of lying in court,she lied when she accused a 12 yrs old rape victim of " seeking older men to have sex with",she lied when she claimed a 12 yrs old rape victim to be " mentally unstable",I have a huge problem with Hillary's lack of ethics where she's willing to tell any lie & go to any length to win !

Hillarys lack of ethics & willingness to lie under oath is where my problem lies & I'm not alone,Hillary was FIRED from her 1st job in politics when she attempted to alter or manufacture evidence in the Watergate investigation,Hillary defending a client is not the same as Hillary lying in court about a 12 yr old rape victim who doctors examined & determined to have lost her virginity during the rape,Hillary lied & called a child a slut,then she called the child a mentally unstable attention seeker who made a fake rape story up,again doctors examined her & said she was raped & no history of mental illness .

This is how the woman you desperately defend operates,no ethics
This seems to have you pretty upset. You really are having a hard time with this. This is making you uncomfortable, angry, confused and I'm sure you are having other emotions.
I'm enjoying you pain. Please write more about your pain.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but they didn't go as far as the incestuous rape you've had to suffer for the same fate.

Do they still make you wear that pinafore thing too?
you have me confused with your dad and what he told you happen to him when he was little. Does you mom still sleep with the dog and make your dad sleep on the couch ?


Well-Known Member
you have me confused with your dad and what he told you happen to him when he was little. Does you mom still sleep with the dog and make your dad sleep on the couch ?
Look, use whatever mental devices you need to avoid the truth and therefore take the day.
The mom/dog fantasies though, that is some nasty fondue you're cooking up about the woman that gave you birth!

The thought of mom or the dog singly ain't doing it for you anymore, eh?


Well-Known Member
Look, use whatever mental devices you need to avoid the truth and therefore take the day.
The mom/dog fantasies though, that is some nasty fondue you're cooking up about the woman that gave you birth!

The thought of mom or the dog singly ain't doing it for you anymore, eh?
not my fault that your mom brings a whole new meaning to "doggie style".
Does your mother still grab you and your dad by the pussy ?


Well-Known Member
So havent logged into ROI up in awhile. Good to see you ruffling feathers Uncle B. And not surprised that the first thread i saw was this posted by you. I guess im now just waiting for the one daughter to come out that Daddy Trump was molesting her. Did you see her at the debate when he tried to kiss her and she did the swoop move to avoid it? Only a matter of time.


Well-Known Member
not my fault that your mom brings a whole new meaning to "doggie style".
Does your mother still grab you and your dad by the pussy ?
Projection, thy name is democrat.
Soon you'll be able to face the truth without the psychiatric mechanisms.
We're all rooting for you! (Except your mom and the dog of course.)


Well-Known Member
But back to the pussy grabbing.

Seems Russia is not the biggest fan as Laranov says:

Lavrov on Trump tapes: “so many pussies around your pres. campaign on both sides that I prefer not to comment.” <