Grades for all!

In my household there is a problem if you come in the house with anything less than a B.
The daughters always produced, never coming home with nothing less than A's
The boy tried me once with a 79 in AP Chemistry. I took his Ps4 and made him go to bed a 8:30. Two week later that grade was up to a 86. End of the year it was 89 plus seven points for passing the class
I was on my own at 15. I lived in a 1975 Chevy Monte Carlo parked in the lot of the print shop I worked at after school.

I would go to school, go to work, sit in the break room when my shift was over doing homework, wash up in the bathroom, sleep in the car and do it all over the next day.

For two years.

Final GPA: 3.85

There is NO excuse, other than severe mental defect, for any kid to not make some A's.
> mentally defective

That's pretty racist of you, bro.
Everything is socialism. I'm so tired of the socialism, like those socialist highway crews, socialist bridges, socialist education system, social security that keeps our elderly from starvation. You know what, I think I love socialism. What I can't stand is Nazis engaging in espionage with foreign spy networks and agencies that are hostile to the country I live in for the purpose of undermining our democratic election process. Education is how we bring about change. Start spending money on our schools and teachers salaries, teach our children things that are healthy instead of all the fear based neo nazi immigration terror scam being perpetrated by the Republican hate party
Everything is socialism. I'm so tired of the socialism, like those socialist highway crews, socialist bridges, socialist education system, social security that keeps our elderly from starvation. You know what, I think I love socialism. What I can't stand is Nazis engaging in espionage with foreign spy networks and agencies that are hostile to the country I live in for the purpose of undermining our democratic election process. Education is how we bring about change. Start spending money on our schools and teachers salaries, teach our children things that are healthy instead of all the fear based neo nazi immigration terror scam being perpetrated by the Republican hate party
>I love socialism
>I hate national socialism
>I live in a republic yet confuse it with democracy

Get yourself sorted, m8. o_O
socialism is the natural counter balance to fascism and is based on natural law.socialist principals are found in the law of Moses and guided the evolution of common law. the declaration of independence is based on socialist values that were used by Rousseau and Locke to justify the civil wars that challenged the divine right of kings. adam smith observed that unrestrained capitalism will lead to the failure of society and Marx expanded on this ideal. maybe college students support socialism because they are better educated and know as Roosevelt did that it was needed to prevent wealth from becoming so centralized as to trigger a communist revolution in this country.conservatives are clearly so blinded by their own hatred and greed that they do not understand that society is a collection of sovereign individuals that work together for a common good realizing that this is in their best interest
socialism is the natural counter balance to fascism and is based on natural law.socialist principals are found in the law of Moses and guided the evolution of common law. the declaration of independence is based on socialist values that were used by Rousseau and Locke to justify the civil wars that challenged the divine right of kings. adam smith observed that unrestrained capitalism will lead to the failure of society and Marx expanded on this ideal. maybe college students support socialism because they are better educated and know as Roosevelt did that it was needed to prevent wealth from becoming so centralized as to trigger a communist revolution in this country.conservatives are clearly so blinded by their own hatred and greed that they do not understand that society is a collection of sovereign individuals that work together for a common good realizing that this is in their best interest
Socialism is always accomplished with other people's money or resources. When it comes to their own money and their own resources people are often no longer okay with it and justify their hypocrisy by rationalizing that the other groups or actors are somehow especially deserving of having their wealth extracted. Socialism for thee but not for me as the saying goes. The financial losses of the banks in the 2008 downturn should never have been socialized those institutions should have been allowed to fail. That would have been free market economics. Instead they privatize the gains and socialize the losses which is not capitalism or free market economics.
Socialism is always accomplished with other people's money or resources. When it comes to their own money and their own resources people are often no longer okay with it and justify their hypocrisy by rationalizing that the other groups or actors are somehow especially deserving of having their wealth extracted. Socialism for thee but not for me as the saying goes. The financial losses of the banks in the 2008 downturn should never have been socialized those institutions should have been allowed to fail. That would have been free market economics. Instead they privatize the gains and socialize the losses which is not capitalism or free market economics.
Building a pointless wall and stealing kids from their parents and locking them in concentration camps is always accomplished with other people’s money and resources
I was on my own at 15. I lived in a 1975 Chevy Monte Carlo parked in the lot of the print shop I worked at after school.

I would go to school, go to work, sit in the break room when my shift was over doing homework, wash up in the bathroom, sleep in the car and do it all over the next day.

For two years.

Final GPA: 3.85

There is NO excuse, other than severe mental defect, for any kid to not make some A's.

Isn't that impossible, no person of that age is capable of supporting themselves or making consensual choices are they?
You have a rape issue
