Grading Each B.C. Political Party's Stance On Cannabis

if she thought it a bigger issue; you know we'd see Christy's phony smiling mug spouting much BS about it.

libs will win though.. BC voters have proven time again; as long as you give a small reach around after raping us; we're all good. :roll::dunce::sad:
i'd be celebrating loudly if the greens could win.. but wont be giving them my vote.
already pretty sure the liberals will win. a green vote just makes it that much more cemented IMO.

depends on your riding though i guess. but do they even have enough candidates to win, if every one actually won?
I'm in a riding that could go Green. Much of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands are traditionally NDP but I think the Greens are going to do well. I don't expect them to form government, but best case would be a minority gov. with Greens as opposition imo.
I concur. I'm hearing on the street a lot of people are voting green. I just heard about the BC libertarian party but I've no idea on their stance on cannabis...I should give them a call on monday or search the net for more information.
I will vote green but live in FV. Solid lib territory.

I am surprised none of the parties have taken an pledge to immediately decriminalize. I mean this is BC, epicenter of the green wave
Okay, I sent an email to the BC libertarian party. They sent me a link to an article that one of their members had done and I will copy and paste it here for those who want to see their position...I haven't made up my mind yet as to who I am voting for but will say it won't be Liberal!

"In light of this release the BC Libertarian Party would like to discuss its plan for legalization under these regulations as best we can. We understand that for the Cannabis community there has never been a more important election.

As a place to start in BC, we would promote the dispensary option as the way forward with general retail sales, but we would also like to include, bars, cafes, nightclubs, vapour lounges etc. in this model, as they would be high income generating business ventures, helping our tourism industry greatly. We have seen that the Licensed Producer / mail order model does not provide sufficient access to people who require Cannabis as a medicine. People deserve access to safe, quality medicine and the dispensary model has worked the best so far to provide that. We would also ensure that Craft Cannabis was included in our “rights” as a province to regulate. BC Cannabis is world renowned and we will not allow Ottawa to squeeze us out of the economic equation. This is, and always will be, OUR industry and the BC Libertarian Party will not stand aside and watch the economic benefits be taken away from us. We would accept 18 years old as “legal age” for recreational Cannabis use.

The last issue that was released was a rule that says we will only be allowed to grow 4 plants per household. This is a completely absurd, authoritarian rule that serves only one purpose: to ensure that people will continue to be consumers in this market. It is not acceptable and we would challenge it in court. People MUST be allowed to grow as much Cannabis as they require, either for medicinal, recreational or sustainable use. The next question that arises from this “law” is: “How do you enforce this?” What does the 4 plant per house street patrol cost? And how much authority will they have to make sure that people aren't growing 6 plants in their garden? These are very disturbing questions to us that need to be answered.

There is still another issue left untouched in this discussion and it is the 800 pound elephant in the room. The federal government has refused to put a halt to the arrests of Canadians who are guilty of nothing more than possession of a plant. We cannot allow this to continue. One of the first orders of business for the Libertarians in Victoria would be to stop police from arresting people for Cannabis distribution, possession and consumption. We would then work with municipalities to set up legal a framework to allow the Craft industry to “come out of the closet” and flourish in a free market. This would be a huge economic boost to this province and would be a travesty if we let the federal government push us out of the production of this plant.

This election has become the most important election ever to the Cannabis community in B.C. Whoever we elect to Victoria this cycle will be in charge of rolling out legalization. Not one major party has been willing to go on the public record for whatever reason, but the B.C. Libertarian Party believes that the people of this province have spoken on this issue, the experts have given us their best advice and now it is time to end prohibition on this plant and allow the citizens of BC to enjoy its many uses. We feel that this plan prioritizes the needs of the people, not the wants of the politically connected businesses and greedy politicians.

Keith Komar
Board of Directors
Candidate Kootenay-East
British Columbia Libertarian Party"
I emailed all three main parties asking how they intend on capitalizing on legalization and promoting BC Bud and it's international reputation as a cannabis leader and I heard NOTHING. Crickets.
...but does the entire electorate realize this?do you thnk the party that comes up with the best plan for cannabis regulation wins?
...but does the entire electorate realize this?do you thnk the party that comes up with the best plan for cannabis regulation wins?
Nah, in BC elections are determined by unions and multi-national corporations. so whoever wins it will be a loss for British Columbians. Voting day is tomorrow, so it's too late now, but if it were me running I would have made legitimizing one of BC's biggest industries a major campaign promise. I would promise to form a task force to demand Ottawa allow provinces to license cannabis growers and promote their product as 'made in BC'. Colorado does well with "pot tourism"....why not here? Instead we get Crusty Clarke fighting with the NDP neanderthal John Horgan over who is going to screw taxpayers over the least. Neither of them have promised anything of interest. The Green's haven't had the opportunity to fuck things up yet, so I'm going with them. I'm an equal opportunity victim!
we'll soon see. Most people I spoke with voted strategically for the NDP instead of Green to try and knock the liberals out of a majority...still 3 votes to be contested so the vote isn't finalized was so close...
The results are in

VANCOUVER — British Columbia's Green party has emerged from Tuesday's election with a unique opportunity that could help decide the province's political future but it comes with risks for the upstart political movement.

Political scientists say Green Leader Andrew Weaver must carefully stickhandle the power he has while not alienating his own supporters if the results of the election are confirmed in the coming weeks and no party has a majority in the legislature.

The Liberal party won 43 seats, leaving it one seat short of a majority. The NDP garnered 41 seats, and the Greens finished with 3 seats, leaving Weaver to determine whether to side with the Liberals or the New Democrats in a minority government situation.

Greens committed to working with either party: Weaver

"B.C. Greens are committed to working with whichever party we end up working with,'' he said.

"It's public policy first. Partisan politics? We're not interested.''

He said his party's ban on corporate and union donations meant private contributions to his party "went through the roof'' during the campaign and that the Greens did not go into debt.

Greens committed to working with either party: Weaver "B.C. Greens are committed to working with whichever party we end up working with,'' he said. "It's public policy first. Partisan politics? We're not interested.'' He said his party's ban on corporate and union donations meant private contributions to his party "went through the roof'' during the campaign and that the Greens did not go into debt.