GRAFFIIT : The Writings on the wall...


Well-Known Member
I hate taggers.

Some tags look good but mostly it's just a shitty scribble on a wall. They look shit.

I used to stencil a lot, didn't get any pictures though. Most of the stuff I did only related to the people in my town so I kinda didn't see the point of pictures.

I've still got a lifesize 6 layer stencil of superman around here somewhere, i'll have to see if I can find it.

I've got the urge to start it all again.. gah!

Watch this space haha.
Honestly I think some tags just give it a bad name. I hate those scribbles, It just takes up extra room.
I like most graffiti though, the big flashy ones, because it really is an art and some people just don't see it. D:


Well-Known Member
its all about creativity losing yourself and trying to be in the moment. i have some flicks that are newer but they are on a flashcard at my buddies. that last flick is 3 yrs old