There is no transfer of genetics between rootstock and scion.

Yes, it is a waste of time in cannabis. I gave the reasons why folks graft.
There is no transfer of genetics between rootstock and scion.
Technically there is, it's just restricted to the contact zone tissue.

"In our previous work, we were able to prove that, contrary to the generally accepted dogma, there is horizontal gene transfer of chloroplast genes at the contact zone between igrafted plants," said lead researcher Ralph Bock.

From a piece about propagation without sex published 14th of June. If you take some tissue from the contact zone and use tissue culture to grow plants from it, it can result in an actual cross of the stock and scion, allopolyploids even. Essentially using grafting as a more natural method of genetic modification...
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Interesting info. Am wondering how a rootstock can impart say...cold hardiness without messing with the taste of the fruit.

Let's put it this way - in the real world, of all the hundreds of grafted fruit trees, berries, grapes I and others have grown both on a personal and commercial basis, there has been no transfer of any genotype or phenotype between rootstock and scion. If there was, it would be worthless to graft. Most of the fruit from a certain rootstock is crap, that's why you choose a high quality scion to graft to it.

The cambium tissue bond is what you shoot for between rootstock and scion.
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Interesting info. Am wondering how a rootstock can impart say...cold hardiness without messing with the taste of the fruit.
"It" can't, but that goes for regular sexual transfer as well, selective breeding is something a breeder will still have to do as it's a very messy brute force way to mix the genetics. So it's not like a gene is isolated first and transferred individually of course, but, it does allow for crossing species that cannot be crossed using regular means.

"When the scientists grew their new plants in the greenhouse, it became obvious that they combined characteristics of both progenitor species.
"Grafting two species and selecting for horizontal genome transfer could become an interesting method for breeders who could use this approach to create new crop plants with higher yields and improved properties," researchers concluded. ..."


There is indeed no phenotype transfer from stock to scion as that would mean it would transfer literally all the way into the scion and express the genetics as noticeable traits in the scion (rather than in the offspring). Doesn't make gene transfer restricted to the contact zone any less "real world" though. Well, only if "real world" is the equivalent of perception as that is what lead to the by now disproven assumption/belief that there's no DNA transfer.

More real world info:

"To generate phylogenetic trees and investigate relationships between organisms, scientists usually look for similarities and differences in the DNA. Plant scientists were confounded by the fact that the DNA extracted from the plants’ green chloroplasts sometimes showed the greatest similarities when related species grew in the same area. Scientists have now discovered that a transfer of entire chloroplasts, or at least their genomes, can occur in contact zones between plants. Inter-species crossing is not necessary. The new chloroplast genome can even be handed down to the next generation and, thereby, give a plant with new traits. These findings are of great importance to the understanding of evolution as well as the breeding of new plant varieties."

From 2009:
"Tissue grafting includes applications ranging from plant breeding to animal organ transplantation. Donor and recipient are generally believed to maintain their genetic integrity, in that the grafted tissues are joined but their genetic materials do not mix. We grafted tobacco plants from two transgenic lines carrying different marker and reporter genes in different cellular compartments, the nucleus and the plastid. Analysis of the graft sites revealed the frequent occurrence of cells harboring both antibiotic resistances and both fluorescent reporters. Our data demonstrate that plant grafting can result in the exchange of genetic information via either large DNA pieces or entire plastid genomes. This observation of novel combinations of genetic material has implications for grafting techniques and also provides a possible path for horizontal gene transfer."
"Grafting is widely used in plant breeding..." tissue grafts for class.pdf

Like I said in my first reply:
I don't think that's what UB meant with being dominant, grafting is not a means of transferring genetics. At least not directly. The DNA exchange is restricted to the contact zone between stock and scion, and not as far as between scions.
So, are you implying here that it would be a waste of time to graft several strains to one mother root zone, because it would eventually pull one strain characteristics to be more dominant anyway???
I honestly do not know, and am purely asking....for more knowledge. thank you

that's called driffting i think and its only a danger if its left to flower,grafting multi srains to a mother has been done for decades, peolple can tell you all the technical jaggen about it and why it works or compare it to other things , but in my book ,,,,,as an eggs an egg , i works!!
As a side note....
European grape vines were desimated by a disease in the root.

They successfully grafted their vines to American wild grape roots that were naturally imune to the disease and BAM....European wine industry saved.
It works you have to cut down to the correct layer of cells in the tissues etc to work properly my friends great great grandad or somethin like that uncle maybe mwas rhe first to ever graft 2 different plants together. It hapoened in south carolina. Atlwast in usa and thats recorded
Ok, so let me get this straight.....bongsmilie......I can take a cut from my MOM, and graft it to, let's say, my rose bush and it will resprout in the spring???:dunce:
It works just fine. They plant will not "drift" or anything. If you graft properly, it will work just fine.

Grafting two different varieties togetehr (species) is a different story. It can be done, but the plants vascular systems have to match up or it won't work. You can't put a cannabis plant on an orange tree, but you can put a lemon branch on one for sure. The connection part is almost like breeding. You can't cross two animals that arent genetically compatable and just get a chimera. You can cross certain ones tho and make things like a mule or liger, although since they aren't very genetically compatible even then, the animals are usually sterile, and often have to be artificially fertilized. Otherwise peopel would be putting cannabis on oak trees andhaving perennial monsters giving tons of bud every year lmao
It works just fine. They plant will not "drift" or anything. If you graft properly, it will work just fine.

Grafting two different varieties togetehr (species) is a different story. It can be done, but the plants vascular systems have to match up or it won't work. You can't put a cannabis plant on an orange tree, but you can put a lemon branch on one for sure. The connection part is almost like breeding. You can't cross two animals that arent genetically compatable and just get a chimera. You can cross certain ones tho and make things like a mule or liger, although since they aren't very genetically compatible even then, the animals are usually sterile, and often have to be artificially fertilized. Otherwise peopel would be putting cannabis on oak trees andhaving perennial monsters giving tons of bud every year lmao
where's my "" fuckin really like's "" button?? Lol