Grafting hops to cannabis?? Should I try ??

Start the hops plants one to two weeks before the marijuana plants. Plant the seeds within six inches of each other or start them in separate six-inch pots. The plants are ready to graft when the seedling are strong (about five and four weeks respectively) but their stem has not lost their soft texture. Make a diagonal incision about halfway through each stem at approximate the same levels (hops is a vine). Insert the cut portions into each other. Seal the graft with cellulose tape, wound string, or other standard grafting materials. In about two weeks, the graft will have taken. Then cut away the unwanted Cannabis top and the hops bottom to complete the graft. Good luck, but don't expect to get high from the hops leaves. {Smoking any plant's leaves will give a short, slight buzz.}

In 1975, the research team of Crombie and Crombie grafted hops scions on Cannabis stocks from both hemp and marijuana (Thailand) plants. Cannabis scions were also grafted to hops stocks. In both cases, the Cannabis portion of the graft continued to produce its characteristic amounts of cannabinoids when compared to ungrafted controls, but the hops portions of the grafts contained no cannabinoids. This experiment was well-designed and carried out. Sophisticated methods were used for detecting THC, THCV, CBD, CBC, CBN, and CBG. Yet none of these were detected in the hops portions.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it! What's the point? You already know that a "Hops Top" wont produce THC (so it can't be for stealth reasons). And a "Pot Top" would be easily spotted (no good for stealth either).

I'm guessing you're doing it just for the fun of it, because you can! Just to create an oddity.

Cool! Go for it! We also want to see some - before - during - and after pictures!

Then we'll have to petition the mods to yank that other guys username - so we can call you Dr. Frankenstien!


Active Member
stumbled in here.

Long ago the gov. had a program (I think it was Canada) that explored grafting marijuana onto established hops plants and frankly they had astounding results.
Now this is third hand so don't take it as gospel, but, it seems to me the hops rootball doesn't die at the end of the bud cycle. and you can go again right away.
Hear Say.....makes me think though....