

Well-Known Member
that's where i stopped. years ago before i could have a full scale grow i would grow mini plants. little tiny bonsai. i experimented with everything i could think or read of. i was just to the grafting when my yard opened. i got all caught up in the grow, grow, grow of everybody around me. i need to get back to the more enjoyable side of gardening. GRAFTING. you could take a healthy root stock and graft on numerous strains. cool.


Well-Known Member
There's potential to have a plant that produces widow, kush and bubblegum at the same time! Hehehe, what an awesome project, give it a go if you've got the spare time and plants - just make sure you use sterile blades and aseotic technique!


Well-Known Member
I don't think I have the confidence to pull something like that off. I just about sh!t myself when I topped a plant.



Active Member
It is nice to know I am not the only one out there seriously interested in this subject.


g0nz0, can you post a link to the other thread?

I'm interested in grafting onto established plants in the woods so that they would be above the ground and out of sight, as well as be able to use the existing plant for nutrient and water uptake. If anyone has info on what plants are good for grafting cannabis onto, please tell :-)
I've looked everywhere for info but all anyone talks abut is grafting other plants onto cannabis to make them produce THC, which clearly isn't possible.


Well-Known Member
g0nz0, can you post a link to the other thread?

I'm interested in grafting onto established plants in the woods so that they would be above the ground and out of sight, as well as be able to use the existing plant for nutrient and water uptake. If anyone has info on what plants are good for grafting cannabis onto, please tell :-)
I've looked everywhere for info but all anyone talks abut is grafting other plants onto cannabis to make them produce THC, which clearly isn't possible.
You can only graft plants with similar genetics, and they have to be dicots.


So, in theory, I should be able to graft onto hackberry trees? They're in the same family as cannabis, and if I'm not mistaken, are dicots as well.
I can't wait to try this out!


Well-Known Member
man ive been interested in this subject for a while, but just havent ventured into it....This year however ive got Tomato plants, Pepper Plants, and all sorts of other vegetables growing in the back yard, and ill be damned if im not gonna try and graft to at least one of each....Cant wait to give it a try!!! i wish i could graft to an oak tree, that way i could graft plants up in my big ol Oak Tree and not have to worry about anyone seein knows i may try it for the hell of it!!