Graham Crackers?

Ok ive been growing for a few months now and this is my second grow. I just found what looks like chewed up graham crackers or those Nilla wafers at the bottom of my pot at the dranage holes. Does anyone know what this is?


Active Member
... :shock::confused:

... what does it feel like? Is it hard? Could potentially be a build up of salts/calcium. Any pics? What's your feeding schedule like?
It was hard and tanish I scraped most of it out, sorry didn't think about pictures until after I scraped it out, I water twice a day with water that has been reverse osmosis, I also spray the leaves once a day, I'm using expert gardener potting soil, t-8s and 24 hours, the plant seems healthy for the most part. I'm just wondering if its bad to have that show up? And if it is salts/calcium build up what do I do then?


Active Member
If they seem healthy, I'm sure they are. Pics would still help, I guess. :weed:

As long as your plants look nice & happy, though, I wouldn't worry at this point, but I might look into a cause for excess salts building up (the description sounds like it could be the case, but it's not unusual to find a bit of stuff like that at the bottom, just not too much), like pH being off. If your using RO water excess salts shouldn't be an issue, it would take care of that, but I'd still make sure your water going into your pots is pH'd, 6.5-6.8 for soil. It doesn't sound like you've added any nutes yet?

I would be careful with that soil, though, I've read reviews that it's not the best to use indoors, and I've heard a lot of people say it came infested with fungus gnats, right off the shelf. Plus, that slow-release fertilizer can be a pain to deal with, you want to know what your plants are getting, how much, and when.
Well the leaves are looking a little burnt at the tips now, i flushed it this morning just to make sure everything was gone, the ph of the water is 6.6, i havent added any nutes yet i don't have much in that department yet, i should have some in a few weeks. Yeah i know but this all i had for soil, I'm going to try to get pea gravel and sand, and mix that in one room and later mix peat moss, perlite, some compost and water with some homemade tea. Anyways sorry for getting off subject but ill post pictures tomorrow when i can take the time to add them.


i think your all right i got the same thing i think its just left over stuff from every thing in the soil , water etc just try and do some thing to make it drain faster or just sounds like you need to keep it cleaner


Well-Known Member
Cant you just repot them if it bothers you? Idk what it is. But it does sound like salt build up and if the concentrated salt build up somehow wicks up into the root zone you'll be sorry.

I would but I'm going to transplant them outside very soon so it would kinda be a waste of soil and time to repot them. Sorry for the bad quality they were taken with a camera phone.