Grand Daddy Purps/Purple #1 x 98 Aloha White Widow/New York City Diesel Grow


Well-Known Member
5 plants:

1 x Grand Daddy Purps
2 x Purple 1 x 98 Aloha White Widow
2 x New York City Diesel F3

soaked seeds in H2O for 48 hours.
GDP and both Purple 1 x 98AWW sprouted
NYCD did not open

put into Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 on 10/20/2011 in 1gal containers under a t5 20,000 lumen light with R/O water ph'd to 6.6

will start using Botanicare Pro Blend Pro veg nutes and Liquid Karma in 2 weeks.

veg til plants are 20"-24" then put ithem darkness for 36 hours before they are put into flower tent.

*will report back with pics. this is mostly for my own references. but help, feedback and constructive criticism is appreciated*


Well-Known Member
WOA!!! did my second post get deleted?? WTF?!????!!!

i watered the other day, thought i posted that day my observations and what not. maybe it didn't go through. who knows.


the NYCD seeds have popped!! finally! and the others all are on there 2nd set of leafs. they look nice and healthy so far. i would like to keep them all on the same schedule of feeding, but i do not know if that will be safe since the NYCD's just popped. they are a few days behind now.


Well-Known Member

i have to do some research before i say this is true. i was just told my Grand Daddy Purps is a God Bud strain. i was told the God Bud gets passed off as GDP a lot since both of there appearances look the same. plus many other characteristics of each strain are shared equally. so who knows. i guess you really can;t really on bag-seeds. either way, no matter if it is God Bud or GDP, ill be equally as happy. they are both fantastic strains in my book.


Well-Known Member
was having some problems with the NYCD seeds germinating in soil. i may have had them upside down or something, because 1 is still struggling to be released from the seed pod.

so far so good on the others. 1 NYCD has fully grown out of the seed pod and the c. leafs are free. can't wait til the end of January!!!


Well-Known Member
OK!!! so it seems i did not have any luck with the NYCD!! FUCK THAT SHIT!!! they popped, but i think something happened when i put the seed in soil. the tail root either didn't penetrate or was put in the soil upside down. either way, it broke out of the seed, then dried up. the other NYCD seed popped. however it is acting like a midget or something. it has been up out of the soil for about 2-3 days, but it is not growing. very fucking odd!!!


Well-Known Member
watered the P#1xAWW's and the GDP today. looks as if the NYVD seeds went to shit. one of them is really mutated. and the other seemed to dry up or something strange, and never fully developed correctly and shriveled up and died. oh well!! im thinking this other one may pull through. i will have to wait and see. pics coming soon. i think they are 2 weeks old today, they deserve a pic right now.


Well-Known Member
i started a light feed on them yesterday. i used Botanicare Pro Blend Grow at 25% and the Liquid Karma at 25%. i will wait and see how they react to the light nute feed. if they do not have any bad reactions, i will increase to 50% feed on next watering/feeding.


Active Member
sounds good man , did you go through attitude , the nycd on there looks yummy as shit lol but its kinda pricy


Well-Known Member
nope! i went through Irie Seeds. there Detroit Diesel is what im after next. and yeah, anything on the Tude is great!! who is the Breeder/vendor of the NYCD you were looking at. its my favorite Diesel


Well-Known Member
i did another super light feed on them this morning. 25% strength, just the Pro Blend Pro and Liquid Karma. next feeding im jumping up maybe, im still letting them tell me what they want. i don't want to burn them, but i do not want to let them go with out. Botanicare is a feed/feed/feed/feed/feed regimen. totally a waste of fucking money in my book, but hey, live and learn, then switch!! i will be trial and error'ing some new mediums here soon.


Well-Known Member
i will check it out. yeah, beats me, people cease to amaze me anymore these days. i will be uploading pics soon. thanks for showing interest!


for sure dude, im trying to build up a solid few grows i will follow and hopefully get a few followers along the way. when did you plant?


Well-Known Member
did a full feed on them yesterday. the first one. the bottom leafs looked like they are starting to slowly turn rust color and yellow. this is a problem hi have had on my last 2 grows. i was told to start feeding in the 2nd to 3rd week. so the 25% feed supposedly was not enough. the 100% feed should work and prevent discoloring, i hope!! still need to post pics up. they should be posted shortly. also, topped 1 of the Purple #1 x 98' Aloha White Widow and the GDP. the tops are about ready to be topped again. still no sign of sex. will veg either until i have room in my flower tent or til they are 12"-18". no more vegging for time, and no more vegging til 24". that has been biting me in the ass lately.


Well-Known Member
Plant Pics 024.jpgyup! bottom leafs are a nuisance. already!! i will try adding Cal/Mag to my next feed. if that does not work, then i am out of ideas of what it could be. anyways. growth is looking awesome! leaf blades are nice and fat. here are some pics i took a few days ago. check them out!


Well-Known Member
yeah i have upped the Cal/Mag to 10ml instead of the 5ml. and i still see the bottom sets of leafs turn yellow and die off. its pissing me off badly!! i understand in the end that the bottom leas will be cut off for optimal growth, but this is telling me my plants need something. i have reason to believe it is a phosphorous or potassium def. i am using Botanicare Pro Blend Grow. i am thinking about switching to Pro Blend Soil. i really hope this helps, if not, i will be highly lost until i can have them evaluated by my mentor.


Well-Known Member
I'm all sub'd up bro. Shit looks good and I LOVE NYCD! Can't wait till my girls break soil! Yellowing at this age I would think is a nitrogen deficiency. But I'm on my first grow and couldn't tell you for sure. I'll be watching!


Well-Known Member
its clearly not nitrogen. that is a rookie mistake thinking just because its yellow that it is nitrogen. nitrogen is an "even" yellowing. as in the whole leaf will change yellow. not just one blade at a time. im not super experienced, but i know my shit. and this is something that keeps happening and i have had to do some guess work to correct the issue. it sucks bad!! but ill figure it out. i think its phosphorous, or potassium. so i am adjusting my nutes accordingly. so, here is your lesson for the day. just because its yellow, it isn't always nitrogen def.


Well-Known Member
its clearly not nitrogen. that is a rookie mistake thinking just because its yellow that it is nitrogen. nitrogen is an "even" yellowing. as in the whole leaf will change yellow. not just one blade at a time. im not super experienced, but i know my shit. and this is something that keeps happening and i have had to do some guess work to correct the issue. it sucks bad!! but ill figure it out. i think its phosphorous, or potassium. so i am adjusting my nutes accordingly. so, here is your lesson for the day. just because its yellow, it isn't always nitrogen def.
Alright then, Damn dude, just a guess, tryin to help. Told you I was new to this. Good luck the rest of the way