Grandaddy purp grow.southern style.


Well-Known Member
,all my freebies from attitude doin pretty good indoors,the critical kush bean free seed gettin pretty big.thot it'd be fun seein if it autos outdoors.thinkin about gettin a large 5-7 gal planter for the auto.


Well-Known Member
thanx,,i may put one or maybe 2 in big 5 gallon buckets,wat u think?
it's not a bad idea if you can keep em close so ur able to water/feed as necassary. They end up being like little special pet projects whenever I've tried to keep one close in a bucket. But handy, come august/early sept., for when ya need a "sample" lol


Well-Known Member
it's not a bad idea if you can keep em close so ur able to water/feed as necassary. They end up being like little special pet projects whenever I've tried to keep one close in a bucket. But handy, come august/early sept., for when ya need a "sample" lol
i thot that to,lol.rained 2 inches las night more on the way,plants got fresh rainwater for breakfast.


Well-Known Member
yea rained like a bitch here yesterday morning and evening then been sprinklin all day today. Fucked up thing was I'd just went and watered Mon. evening and then it rained like 2-3 inches 8hrs later. Fuckin stupid weather man :cuss:acted like the next best chance of rain wasn't gonna be till this coming sat/sun and only a 20% chance then!!!!!!!

But yea when the sun breaks those bitches are gonna spring up like a chicken-head who thinks her boyfriends coming!


Well-Known Member
i'm all raider fan.40 yrs...heres the RO system 3-way plus .if anyone gets one come to my thread i'll help yu set the ro membrane and wat not.mine came with no instructions .my all around water source.i dont ph it but its sweet pure water..the hydro guy says its without adjustment so i'm cool.



Well-Known Member
How'd I miss this? Sorry Raider... glad i found it now... that shot of the meadow? or whatever that was, was awesome... Looked like a legit spot to throw down some ladies


Well-Known Member
hey wats up rep? no doubt.have to do 2 here or there cuz methcopters been known to fly around but i think they lost thier funding cuz hadnt seen them in over a yr...meth labs are everywhere here.


Well-Known Member
Meth labs are bad where I am at too. So are the grasshoppers. Did you use anything on your plants for the grassshoppers or just pick them off?


Well-Known Member
one was on one yesterday and he chewed jus a little,i picked him off,but i sparayed again, then dropped 2inches and gotta spray again ina day or so..but soak around where thier at.. i think i'm gonna put them on top of my trailor till transplant,lol.


Well-Known Member
Y dont u out some other shit out there that they will feed on instead of ur plants. Cuz i dont think no matter how much u spray those bastards they will ever be gone.