Granddaddy Purp (Indoor) 8 Bulb high output T5 Closet

not sure if anybody has asked why the pots are covered with foil or some kind of reflector material ? why ? thanks just curious.


Well-Known Member
Cause there all semi set up for hydro and when they were plain white light came in and caused algae. Also helps reflect light to the lower leaves


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I'll be posting an update tomorrow..its looking good and vigorous growth but my clones are still taking forever..I figured I'd try a few ways and I have two in cups with rapid rooters in clean and sterile pickle jars upside down two in just rapid rooters and one in a cup with water and a bubble stone...I will find what way is best for this strain..


Well-Known Member
the clone i had grow roots i transplanted in organic gorilla grow soil and fed it some mild nutes and its growing like crazy with green new growth....i was a little worried about this one because it was super yellow but its under control now. WOOHOO now waiting for some more clones to get some roots....


Well-Known Member
p.s ill try to get some pics up...and the mother plant is getting so big and robust im almost tempted to set it outside to flower but i think ill just wait till i get 6 more gdp clones to root


Well-Known Member
sooo bad news my dads gf decieded she wants to smoke crack and ruin it...because she has him believing that weed is just as bad as now all my shits outside...fucking crackheads...should all be shot in the temple.