Granfathered but....

At the end of the day my grandmother is probably laughing about this safety propaganda for mould and mildew she always had 30 plus plants (not cannabis of course) in her house and her motto was plants inhale co2 and exhale oxygen... Lol and as for the robbery thing nobody wants plants!!!! if they are going to rob you it will be for dry bud and now they know where we all live...thanks again HC ... And on a comparison note.... I would say LP's are like what banks were in the Wild West.... Real criminals do not rob houses for thousands when they can rob a bank for millions..... Think about it merv tweeds warehouse is huge..... I hope for everyone's sake nothing happens to a patent or LP alike... Just a thought on public safety
I debated ...whether it was necessary to renew or I weighed the situation.. and called my Mj doc
for a consult....
He explained his take on the MMpr and was 100 percent would come into
I said....I kinda thought things might go differently...if you consider there would be those would would challenge the MMpr...
he still maintained....I would be going to an LP as of april 1....but said he would still sign for me to grow....if I wanted...

I would process your form R if nothing had changed.....and they will either send the paperwork completed....(most likely dated...for march 31)
and if they don't ...we have discussed the fact that that's not reasonable access.
and a few of the others made points for the change of address...still being valid...since for security reasons HC outed you and you need to move...even if just for your own piece of mind...
What is the issue date because they are issued good for 1 year other than everything from march of 2013 till now expire mar 31 2014 so if you renewed you are good to grow my friend that's what I'm doing...
Yup just read it, im exempt considering i held a license after sept 30th/2013 therefor exempt from the MMAR repeal :) that 500$ i spent at GTA seedbank was a great investmet!
these forums are really alive now eh...things have changed in the last 8-12 months around here, thats fantastic!
Yeah "him" and "her" i dont know there names, there great people. So helpfull and knowledgable. I used to go down to niagara or attitude but the GTA seedbank in the market/mall is top notch. I got some brand new unopened packs of bluedream, kush berry, bc bud, bc god bud , purple wreck, 8ball kush and 2 others i forget...there still in the slick black store bag lol 1strain per light ;) 8 lights turning on in T - 2 days when these bad boys germinate!
You're fine until the case is settled. It's a grandfathering situation and no changes will be allowed.

So if you move you won't be legal anymore although you could fight it and probably win at the very least a short term injunction until your case is heard.
Is there any reference that health canada has put out that states our licences will be extended past their expired date?
This is exactly the site I pictured..... patients Helping patients Gotta love there hasn't been to many LP commercials lately.... Lol just joking but if you LP's look at it from my prospective you would think the same way..
Hey Bigmanc....
haven't seen you for a little while...
where a lot of sites went into the toilet....with infighting between MMar and MMpr supporters..... they were constantly droves....
that is the Conservatives oldest political tactic.....divide and conquer

This site started to go that way.....but sorta managed to keep itself in check,,,,,with sunni's this section....
It had to be possible to have this dialogue between sides....without it becoming a total swear fest....

we have 4 basic groups In Canada Patients ...patients or( MMar.)...patient/lp wannabe's.(combo MMar and MMpr)..../ straight up LP types.....supporting the MMpr outright...and limbo patients....caught in the cracks....due to deadlines
and last min rule changes etc.
Plus there are some that really don't fall into these groups that well....but still have opinions.....which is good too
anyhow....short of a few awkward threads...things have been reasonably moderate here....I know its why I stuck around ....Plus its a great community when someone actually needs some help.....
people will help...which is stellar
This is exactly the site I pictured..... patients Helping patients Gotta love there hasn't been to many LP commercials lately.... Lol just joking but if you LP's look at it from my prospective you would think the same way..

Hey cannadan, thanks for the welcome back. Yeah i see alot more patients are taking a interest in the community, this judgement that passed on friday is proof that WE HAVE A SAY! Health Canada is just fucking up time and time again. When i got that letter in the mail, i just laughed out loud! keep in mind it wasnt even opened yet i was simply appauled my name, address and "medical marijuana" was in the envelope window...what clowns i tell ya. Then i saw on CP24 news that if i didnt send them a letter stating i destroyed everythig (yeah rite!) my information would be sent to local police? have they lost there damn mind!? Health Canada must love bullying people but we got our day and won. On a side note/question, what are these big multi-million dollar LP set ups going to do? I garentee they will do very little business now and the investors behind it must be rattling there brains. Too much money and not enough common sence in my oppinion, we have been saying since September 2013 the MMPR was in violation of our rights dated back to the 2001 ruling. Another thing, if the judge said on Friday something along the lines of "the health of the patients over rules the safety concerns of health canada bla bla" and "the prices expected to be introduced by LP's in the future is considerably higher then what people are currently paying bla bla" What makes Health Canada think a judge will have a different oppinion in 9-12 months? All for the Lawyer of Health Canada to say "theres no law stating medicine must be affordable" what a bunch of jack ass's! i could really go on forever but im just going to continue sitting here shaking my head at these ass backwards regulations and proposals.
Well said big.... And nice to meet ya.... I am public enemy number one to LP's HC and let's not forget hitler and his band of no goods we call the conservative government.... Just for being a medical marihuana patient.... So we the patients need to ban together which I believe we have and end this fight this time for good!!!!
Well said big.... And nice to meet ya.... I am public enemy number one to LP's HC and let's not forget hitler and his band of no goods we call the conservative government.... Just for being a medical marihuana patient.... So we the patients need to ban together which I believe we have and end this fight this time for good!!!!

Also nice to meet you kind sir.
That is not what this says. This says you are not allowed to make any changes. You are ok as long as your ATP is in line with your current situation. They aren't allowing new patients or changes to the ATP and a different case will have to be heard. I don't think we are going to win, even the injunction is not very friendly to us.

A yes...I re-read #2 more closely. The key phrase is - "in accordance with the terms of the atp held by the applicant as of the date of the order."

A yes...I re-read #2 more closely. The key phrase is - "in accordance with the terms of the atp held by the applicant as of the date of the order."


hi all

as i read it if you had a atp/ppl that was valid on the 21st you are good since it says granted on the 30th or 'thereafter'

notwithstanding expiry date means that the expiry date on the license is 'cancelled' and the new expiry is when a decision is rendred in the trial
OGEvilgenius, if you see this post would you please clear you PM's. Youre account is full so I can't reply. Thanks.