Grape Ape 5 weeks (((PICS)))


my grape ape looks a lil different my leaves are turning purple at 4 weeks there at alomost 6 weeks now trichomes look milky white with a couple amber when should i chop it?


Well-Known Member
Looking pretty good

I dont understand why you dont have your blocks in another medium. You should have roots pouring out all over the sides and bottoms. Unless I'm missing domething. You would have doubled your harvest with a more grown root structure. Theyre actually badass considering.


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Im using floranova nutes with big bud,floralicious,and sweet. Just started Cal mag today. This problem im having happens at flowering stage every time. The leaves look to be calcium or phosphorus or even heat stress,even nute burn! But wich one?? 600w hps, 5.5-6 ph,feeding for 15 minutes 4 times a day. any suggestions as to why my leaves look like this?

man thats crazy i have almost the same setup aside from the strain and only a few of my leaves brown at all and i use the same nutes except i only use bud XL additive i run my nutes high and keep my ph at 5.8 to 6 and never had a problem thats a pic of my og kush 5 weeks in about another 4 to go and all leaves look good. but good luck im curious to see whats causing this and buds look fat and great good job.

