Grape God Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
It's the basement, where I grow and the man-cave is located! Probably around 50 oz total after drying, give or take.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! wish i got close to that with my harvests of grape god.

max i got was 13 and some change. but thats only with one 600w so ya know.

Hows it taste??


Well-Known Member
I'm heading out shortly to do some food shopping and decided to roll a joint before I go......the top colas hanging ended up being around 21 oz and that's not including all the smaller stuff, which I'm guessing weighs even more than that. Here's the bud before rolling......I'll report on effects/smell/taste when I get back home.



Well-Known Member
I'm heading out shortly to do some food shopping and decided to roll a joint before I go......the top colas hanging ended up being around 21 oz and that's not including all the smaller stuff, which I'm guessing weighs even more than that. Here's the bud before rolling......I'll report on effects/smell/taste when I get back home.
Looks good,. I smoke b4 the store as well these days.
I find shopping with the wife tedious otherwise :)


Well-Known Member
I don't even bother with the wife anymore.....she slows me down.

I smoked 1/2 of the joint before I left- about 2.5 hours ago. I felt it instantly, but the high continued to build for 1/2 hour or so. It was VERY heady, at least initially- I was very relaxed, but very high, maybe a 9/10 on the potency scale. I'm still high so it lasts a good long bit. Smells of citrus comes thu but I don't think it's dry enough to comment on the taste yet- it's only 6 fulls day drying at 70 degrees temp and 50-55% humidity. Taking it real slow since I'm not in a rush....... overall, I'm more than pleased.

The weight looks on the heavier side too.......a couple of days for the final report with all the details.


Well-Known Member
I don't even bother with the wife anymore.....she slows me down.

I smoked 1/2 of the joint before I left- about 2.5 hours ago. I felt it instantly, but the high continued to build for 1/2 hour or so. It was VERY heady, at least initially- I was very relaxed, but very high, maybe a 9/10 on the potency scale. I'm still high so it lasts a good long bit. Smells of citrus come thu but I don't think it's dry enough to comment on the taste yet- it's only 6 fulls day drying at 70 degrees temp and 50-55% humidity. Taking it real slow since I'm not in a rush....... overall, I'm more than pleased.

The weight looks on the heavier side too.......a couple of days for the final report with all the details.
Sounds good to me

My humidity here is so low and the heat is up.
Its hard for me to dry properly right now


Well-Known Member
I have that same problem in the winter when it's cold out and the heat runs a lot. This is the best time in my area to grow and dry buds since it's not too cold or too hot so neither the a/c or heat runs.....


Well-Known Member
I have that same problem in the winter when it's cold out and the heat runs a lot. This is the best time in my area to grow and dry buds since it's not too cold or too hot so neither the a/c or heat runs.....
Im frustrated.
I finally found a clone of Urkle Erkle Urkel lol who knows what is the right one?
I have determined that my Grape Krush that I ran side by side is the exact same strain.
Its a great strain, but I wanted something else.
2 different clones 2yrs apart and different disp and the same clone under different names.
This is why I am not buying clones anymore.


Well-Known Member
Yup.....happens all the time. One week it's this, next week it's called something different. Anything to increase sales.


Well-Known Member
A few pic's......dried now 8 days and ready for their jars for some curing. The citrus/grapefruit smell is really popping too.

WOW is everyone's comment who gets to see it.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to wrap up my comments tonight regarding my Grape God grow. Everything is done, dried and either gone to friends or curing in some mason jars.

A quick review: 22 plants under 2200 watts, in 4 gallon pots with pro-mix and Botanicare fertilizer products. I vegged for 30 days and flowered for 63 days. They are easy to grow, stay short and easy to keep healthy. I never had to go above 1200 ppm in the grow, and a pH around 6.3-6.4 was maintained. I had an overdose issue with silica during the grow, and a group of plants showed some ill effects on some leaves. I flushed and everything improved immediately.

I cut everything in one day and ended up with 42 oz , just short of 2 oz per plant. I didn't pinch any plants, just let them do their thing as recommended by the breeder. Next time, I would pinch once or twice, and this will increase your bud count. The plants tend to grow with a main thick cola and little else, other then a ring of colas under the main cola. They are nicely dense, and this helped the overall weight in the room. Also, trim the bottom 1/4 of the plant off, as this lower stuff rarely adds up to much and sucks energy and production from the main colas. Also, very uniform plants- very stable.

While growing, there was definite citrus/grapefruit odor although it wasn't bad. After drying, it's a little "richer" now. Hints of citrus and grapefruit remain, but it's more refined and complicated now. The taste is similar, rich and thick as is the smoke. Mine definitely needs more curing time to fully develop. I'd say the high is an 8.5/10 tops. The high is mostly sativa leaning early on in the smoking session- all in the head, eyes and temple. Not long later, after a few more bong hits- it relaxes you up and down the body (indica buzz). It's a nice mix of highs. No anxiousness or anything to negatively report.

It's not the strongest smoke.....above average I'd say. But when you combine the other positives- easy to grow, nice weight, stays short, lower odor, etc.- it's well worth a grow. I already bought and planted Next Generation "Dynamite", the Grapefruit parent of Grape God. All 18 seeds sprouted within 2 days and these babies are already a few inches high. I would not have bought these if I was disappointed with the Grape God in any way.

Lastly, I've heard nothing but positives from my friends....everyone really likes it a lot. Loads of resin, and an enjoyable high with some flavor and smell. Not a keeper per se, but a strain I won't mind doing once in a while.



Well-Known Member
I did want to add a few comments and observations.....

1. I have a totally paralyzed buddy, a friend for many years......maybe 30+ at this point. He regularly gets my gifts to help him with his issues, mentally and physically. He reported last night that he really likes the GG, and it has relieved his constant pain. He even sent me a "happy face" I know his mood improved a long with it.

2. Another neighbor has had a lingering and debilitating knee issue. It been rainy here lately and he's been really suffering with it. He also is reporting some actual relief with the GG too.

3. I've been smoking it more consistently the last day or two......I really like it too. More than I did earlier. I consider myself a heavy smoker and from 8PM til 2:30AM, I only hit the bong twice. I just didn't need more.

4. Non-medical (recreational) users are also reporting their approval....everyone is enjoying it and reporting good things.


Well-Known Member
I did want to add a few comments and observations.....

1. I have a totally paralyzed buddy, a friend for many years......maybe 30+ at this point. He regularly gets my gifts to help him with his issues, mentally and physically. He reported last night that he really likes the GG, and it has relieved his constant pain. He even sent me a "happy face" I know his mood improved a long with it.

2. Another neighbor has had a lingering and debilitating knee issue. It been rainy here lately and he's been really suffering with it. He also is reporting some actual relief with the GG too.

3. I've been smoking it more consistently the last day or two......I really like it too. More than I did earlier. I consider myself a heavy smoker and from 8PM til 2:30AM, I only hit the bong twice. I just didn't need more.

4. Non-medical (recreational) users are also reporting their approval....everyone is enjoying it and reported good things.
Thats great man!
I love when ppl can get help from natural sources!

I too have a strain that has made an impression.

My clone marked "DJ Shorts Blueberry is really great.
And all who try it are really really fond of it to say the least.
I dont know what strain it really is?!?
No Blueberry smell at all, just like maybe kush or something?
I wasnt gonna run her again, but the smell intrigued me.
A friend tried it 1st and was willing to trade his kid for it lol.
I tried it, and have come to realize it is the best night-time sleeping and anti-anxiety strain I have tried so far.
I might even dedicate an entire run to her.

My Stank Ape from seed from a friend on RIU is also really nice, with an optimistic and anti-anxiety daytime high.
I ran such a small single plant of her that I onlky have about an ounce of her.
I am not sharing her with anyone either.
I made some seeds with her and a Gods Gift fem, and will try to find a similar female.


Well-Known Member
I've grown DJ's Blueberry a few times......I found it finicky to grow but I LOVED the euphoric, up high!


Well-Known Member
I've grown DJ's Blueberry a few times......I found it finicky to grow but I LOVED the euphoric, up high!
She is fussy, but not as bad as my Dr Atomics NL
My BB isnt a euphoric high really.
It comes on really smooth and gradual, and is super relaxing


Well-Known Member
It's almost 2 weeks later and I wanted to give out some final observations and comments.......

First off, I like the strain more and more as time goes by. It has gained my respect as I continue to smoke it and continues to do so. I've heard NOTHING but great comments from my friends, everyone loves it. People have commented that it's not as smelly in it's final state as lets say, my Green Poison that I do regularly- but I'm not so sure that's a bad thing from my point of view. It wasn't overly smelly in flowering either. At 9 weeks flowering, it's nicely powerful.....I often am forced to take naps shortly after smoking it. If you left it til 10 weeks, it might be an instant sleeping pill. Most of my friends smoke for medical they prefer indicas over sativas.

I also grew Mr. Nice's Ortega, which is N.L. #1 X N.L. #5 and is also supposed to be a heavy indica with a classic high. I am a Northern Lights lover and grew tons of these in the last 80's and early 90's. The Ortegas flowered for 2-3 more days then the Grape God. To be honest, I'm surprised to say the Grape God is a good bit stronger. The Ortega has a better fruity odor and taste, but not much else. The Grape God may become my new go-to strain, unless the "Dynamite" I'm growing turns out better. A solid 9/10 final rating.