Grapefruit Diesel x Hijack - 15 Seed Test Run


Well-Known Member
haha, i put an ounce into some brownies last week. made 15. i ate 1, hour later didnt feel anything, so i ate two more, the next 9 hours i couldn't articulate a single sentence lol.


Well-Known Member
almost 2g a cookie....... fuck me!
We made ice cream sandwiches. 2 of these cookies with ice cream in between :mrgreen:
haha, i put an ounce into some brownies last week. made 15. i ate 1, hour later didnt feel anything, so i ate two more, the next 9 hours i couldn't articulate a single sentence lol.
haha thats a win
These just made my mind race :eyesmoke:

Nothing like homemade and homegrown.

I will be trimming down the nugs and jarring as they dry up throughout the week.


Hella cool ....

This grow (thread) has me completely psyched. I hope mine come out as killer.
I'm germing my first cross right now. Grapefruit Diesel and BC (grapefruit) Kush.

Gotta Luv that Frost


Well-Known Member
hey phyzix im about to crack some of these Grapefruit diesels any quick advice? did u grow fdds icecream as well?


Well-Known Member
Negative on the Icecream. Nothing special about growing it beside the phenos I got. Purple pheno finished faster and yielded less.


Well-Known Member
that is sick....and those cookies look slightly scary.
It's easier to get to space with a couple of those cookies compared to years of astronautic training.

All of the trim and small popcorn will be turned into hash or edibles.
