Graphene coating generates electricity


Well-Known Member
For those interested....there's a guy in the UK developing a paint on coating that creates impressive voltage and he's challenging people to copy what he does and make it better so you can power your homes ...without anyone knowing so your crop has free electricity...that's why I'm posting it here...anybody up to trying to make it? He has a youtube channel if you're interested.

This dude is awesome.

Graphene is great substance that not only has excellent electrical conductivity but can also filter water better than most commercial filters.

Check out his vids on making graphene.
It almost seems like he painted on the basis of a battery. Copper in one part. And aluminium in another... Add an acid or electrolyte of some sort. And you get current.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Guaranteed nothing revolutionary to come from this.

It would take some serious tinkering to get this to be effective. However, I do believe if one was to use fine powders in an electrically conducive adhesive rather than glue solid strips together. The surface area of the opposing metals could potentially increase in current output. Especially if snaked with very fine copper/gold wire, top to bottom.
For those interested....there's a guy in the UK developing a paint on coating that creates impressive voltage and he's challenging people to copy what he does and make it better so you can power your homes ...without anyone knowing so your crop has free electricity...that's why I'm posting it here...anybody up to trying to make it? He has a youtube channel if you're interested.

ive been goofing around with making carbon nanotubes. made a sodium lamp in the process by accident. i just carbonized some bast fibers in sulfuric acid and autoclaved for 24 hours. what im attempting is using an electrical arc to combust the sodium in NaOH soaked biochar. im rethinking my combustion chamber though as i need it to be inert gasses. next run im using trapped CO2.

ill likely use a jar with the lead to the arc slid into holes in the lid add a putty to seal off air. and add a small chemical reaction in the base of the jar to produce CO2 and which would escape through an airlock as it gains pressure. im avoiding using yeast to produce the CO2 since they would likely be incinerated over a few minutes.

seen q-carbon?? ferromagnetic form of diamond that is stronger than diamond and is made by melting the atoms of biochar with a powerful laser for a nanosecond. it also glows when conducting if i recall.

carbons are fun stuff
a great capacitor method using activated carbon and powdered graphene oxide is to mix graphene oxide and polyeurethane together, paint it onto an electrode and press it into some activated carbon powder. do this for each electrode. separate with a tough plastic film and vacuum seal into a baggy.

saw it on a video lol

guy powered a small DC motor with it after. went all day if i recall.

kinda neat.

i see solar kits getting this kind stuff preattached to the backs of the panels
This is all awesome stuff guys. Thanks for talking about what you have seen or done. All of this conversation really interests me!
a great capacitor method using activated carbon and powdered graphene oxide is to mix graphene oxide and polyeurethane together, paint it onto an electrode and press it into some activated carbon powder. do this for each electrode. separate with a tough plastic film and vacuum seal into a baggy.
saw it on a video lol
guy powered a small DC motor with it after. went all day if i recall.
kinda neat.
i see solar kits getting this kind stuff preattached to the backs of the panels

Graphene is already happening in solar, just not as capacitance.
A new solar cell that harvests both sunlight and rain.

It's reported that solar graphene only cells hit 15.6% in 2012.

But I would like to see graphene and aerogels lead to lighter batteries (or lossless super capacitors) with much denser capacity.
That's awesome Choomer. Thanks for telling me about graphene used in solar. I have here another video telling about a couple of guys who want you to duplicate their technology which they credit tesla for starting in 1901 with his patent about using ion energy. These guys do it with 4 120 foot polls and a cable coated with graphene to harvest electrically charged ions. Very interesting.
ya know. whenever i fly i notice glistening particles moving around in patterns. would these maybe be ion clusters?
could be man. Tesla had it all figured out. He built towers to do this stuff but he didn't have graphene back then. If he'd had more time on earth he may well have invented the stuff too!