Grasshoppers and marijuana


Well-Known Member
Today I went to check on my indoor plant and I found a grasshopper just chillin there on one of the leaves.

Are grasshoppers bad for your plants? What do they do?.......are they even possibly good?


Well-Known Member
The only grasshopper I know thats any good with weed is jimminy cricket. Feed that wee fucker to the nearest lizard he will scoff your plant


Well-Known Member
just squish him, that should do the trick then stick some double sided tape round the base of you grow area to catch anymore that come back.


Well-Known Member
I just checked and he was gone. I'm moving my stop to a new place and I'll have a screen over the intake at that spot. Thanks for the help though guys.


Well-Known Member
Yeah just kill the poor fucker and leave his remains for all the others to see!

Kidding but kill it and then just put some double sided tape as mentioned above to catch any other grasshoppers... but there shouldn't be grasshoppers in your indoor grow room... that means theres grasshoppers in your house.... grosses me out :P


Well-Known Member
crucify that fucker using popsicle sticks, and put him by the intake as a warning to all other pests that dare enter your realm.

grasshoppers= evil. closely related to locusts... use your imagination what they can do to your plants.


Well-Known Member
crucify that fucker using popsicle sticks, and put him by the intake as a warning to all other pests that dare enter your realm.

grasshoppers= evil. closely related to locusts... use your imagination what they can do to your plants.
That is fucking hilarious


Well-Known Member
simply wait next to your plant with a ghillie suit and when his little hopping ass hop onto your plant, BASH it with a shovel. Smash everything.. then once the grasshopper is mushed and mixed into the plant residue spray raid on it.. You can sit out their for a week after that and wont see 1 hopper.


Well-Known Member
simply wait next to your plant with a ghillie suit and when his little hopping ass hop onto your plant, BASH it with a shovel. Smash everything.. then once the grasshopper is mushed and mixed into the plant residue spray raid on it.. You can sit out their for a week after that and wont see 1 hopper.
Lol 100% Badass right there, Hoppers beware

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
once when I was a kid my uncle owns a farm we wont to his field and walked and counted the grass hoppers per 100 feet so the insurance would cover his crop . they destroyed it . so how many jumped per foot estimate.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if you left out Coasters.....
But for someone to leave it there that just poor manners.

I can kill that grasshopper pretty easy, the mites he has dropped off will be harder.
Flys, moths, ants, cats dogs......all potential carriers.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Be cautious now because Grasshoppers feed on all kinds of plants, Indoor, outdoor, healthy , diseased ect. They chew on sick plants then spread that disease to other plants then to your plants. All she gotta do is take a bite out of one leaf and diseases CAN transfer. Also this little fucker came from outside obviously and who the hell knows what she been rollin around in outside. Probably a big ass powdery mildew infected milk weed or some shit with all kinda spores all over her back! See were this is going? Keep your eyelids up over your eyeballs and be on the lookout for problems.


Well-Known Member
There is no good way to get rid of grasshoppers. Bottom line is you have to find them and crush them. They will eat you bud. I had an outbreak last year and my outdoor crop took a hit.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor grasshopper invasion. Any help? Read to put all purpose flower on them. Says will gum mouth up and can't eat, or make garlic spray. Want that absorb through the plant? Even said water and dish soap. Any help would be appreciated.