Grassy Smell Still

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
My buds always smell bomb. They smell bomb on the tree when i dry during the cure . As soon as i could leave them in jars for weeks at a time without opening they smell incredible. I think you fucked up and trapped the chlorophyl .. u cant take that smell of once its trapped ! Do this grab a nugg squeeze it hard if it smells good then u shuld be okay as long as u keep burping.


Well-Known Member
i smoked some bud that tasted great after 3 days of drying and another that makes me cough like hell after a week and a half. IMO depending on what methods used, a good dry period is required, along with a cure.

by a good drying period , i mean 1-2 weeks. Achieve the slowest dry possible while preventing mold by pulling air past the chopped down plants (i leave the plant whole hang dry )

after a good 3-4 days, i either shut the fan off intermittently , or i pluck off the fan leaves cause they're dry, cut up the branches and put the buds all closer together, to get a slower dry.

probably by the 7th or 8th day, i can shut off the fan and just let it chill there, hopefully making it to 12 days (i can't seem to get to day 14 here)

the buds burn great it's just some have slowly been getting their smell back, and I think it has a lot to do with chlorophyll in the main stems, and how much stem your smoking in that test bowl. Once the cure sets in the small stems will burn fine and all will be great :)

slow dry is key though, just be careful for mold (can't be too careful)

then you cure it. I take a huge jar and just stick my acurite digital humidity/temp sensor in there for a few hours, check the RH (relative humidity, the humidity of the air related to the humidity of the buds)

basically RH changes as things equalize; the more equalized things get, the slower the RH will change. This is a good sign that it's time to keep the lids closed and let the cure come in.

it's also a good idea to get a dehumidifier, set at 63 inside the drying room, with a direct drain to the outside (to avoid mold buildup on water reservoir)

and also a humidifier, at 45%, with perhaps an air stone in the reservoir (to avoid mold buildup on reservoir)
know with a humidifier it's spitting out humid air, dont let it shoot directly at buds, but rather into the middle of a room, so it can naturally mix with the room air. If you have it blow at a wall you can get mildew/mold buildup

you never want your fan blowing directly on the buds, its much better to pull air around them, slowly.

sometimes if the product is airy, ill tie everything together to really slow my dry


New Member
I've read lots of different things about curing and I understand it. However I need someone with experience to tell me if what's going on is normal or not. So my specific question is: Is the fresh, not so weed like smell normal? They've been curing now for less than a week but it doesn't seem to be getting better. I have patience but I wonder if the end result is going to be what I want. Someone please answer me!!! I'm desperate!!!! I don't want all my hard work to go to waste.

You here this all the time. What is your process? People come here and argue facts like flushing, leeching, how to harvest. To be honest its something your NOT doing that is causing your issue. Not trying to be a dick but it is definitely in your schedule. Proper nutrient delivery is key to flavor, overloading causes harshness and under feeding will lessen yield and quality. Leeching is critical for all hydro systems to allow for proper uptake of nutrients throughout the cycle. Dropping your nutrients at the last few weeks will also help in flavor and smell. Harvest can also affect your product, a slow dry is better then a quick dry. If you cure are you trimming correctly, leaving large amounts of sugar leaf can also leave a smell. Curing should be done somewhere from 50-60% and cured down to 20%, there are many ways of curing but removing moisture regularly is the key. Cool dark is your friend...JAS


Well-Known Member
from my recent experience, use and be patient. my first grow was initially very disappointing. the smell was kind of hay or grass like though it smelled awesome on the tree and the smoke was really powerful. since i have followed the above method though, my thai crop is tasting really nice and the buzz is even nicer. it has taken a while(i think i am in my third month) but i think i jarred them up too early. the green color when i started has been turning orangish and brownish. there is still moisture as my jars are around 58% humidity now. i burp them (just to check out the smell and move the buds around) about every couple weeks now. good luck, dude.


Active Member
So what is the consensus ?.......leave all the leaves on or just the sugar leaves while drying?.........I can see the reasoning behind it all ......just want to make sure required dryness can be achieved in 7 days or so. ...............Does anybody know for sure ?


Well-Known Member
i smoked some bud that tasted great after 3 days of drying and another that makes me cough like hell after a week and a half. IMO depending on what methods used, a good dry period is required, along with a cure.

by a good drying period , i mean 1-2 weeks. Achieve the slowest dry possible while preventing mold by pulling air past the chopped down plants (i leave the plant whole hang dry )

after a good 3-4 days, i either shut the fan off intermittently , or i pluck off the fan leaves cause they're dry, cut up the branches and put the buds all closer together, to get a slower dry.

probably by the 7th or 8th day, i can shut off the fan and just let it chill there, hopefully making it to 12 days (i can't seem to get to day 14 here)

the buds burn great it's just some have slowly been getting their smell back, and I think it has a lot to do with chlorophyll in the main stems, and how much stem your smoking in that test bowl. Once the cure sets in the small stems will burn fine and all will be great :)

slow dry is key though, just be careful for mold (can't be too careful)

then you cure it. I take a huge jar and just stick my acurite digital humidity/temp sensor in there for a few hours, check the RH (relative humidity, the humidity of the air related to the humidity of the buds)

basically RH changes as things equalize; the more equalized things get, the slower the RH will change. This is a good sign that it's time to keep the lids closed and let the cure come in.

it's also a good idea to get a dehumidifier, set at 63 inside the drying room, with a direct drain to the outside (to avoid mold buildup on water reservoir)
What if the RH of the room your curing in is stuck at 80% and you have no dehumidifier??? Will this not allow your buds to start curing because they will become saturated with the moist 80% RH air from the room it self? i am having issues with my room stuck at 80 % RH/ Buds taste kinda hayish and dont smell amazing. Although every once in a while ill get a bomb toke and taste. What should i do if i cant lower the RH ? will it just take longer to taste and smell good?


New Member
I hung my girls up to dry for 3-4 days in my dark tent with a fan on but not pointed at them. I read that once I could smoke a joint with out it going out they are ready for jars. So I cut the buds off the stems and put them in sealable containers. I let them sit in the containers for several hours before putting the lids on. I then put the lids on for 12 hours, then took the lids off for an hour of so. I do this twice a day. I'm on day three now and they still don't smell the way I'd like. They have a grassy smell to them. Is this normal? If I continue to do this process are they going to start to smell like I want? My last grow I made the mistake of not curing at all. After hanging them for several days I put them in containers. As I'm sure most of you would expect they were moist by the morning. Then I just left them sitting out all night and day to dry which they did but that grassy smell never went away. My buds weren't as nice that time as they are now so I want to make sure I'm going about it the right way.

You're making a few mistakes. First, the method in which you tell if a plant is dry enough isn't acceptable. A joint not going out doesn't mean anything, I can smoke joints of rather wet bud, but how does it smoke? An easier method is snapping the stems. I feel you aren't letting the bud dry long enough before jarring it, this is the hardest thing for all growers. Also how big are the plants, is 3-4 days in a dark tent really long enough? What is the temperature and RH in the tent you're drying in? How long do you keep the fan on? How hard is the fan blowing? Is the tent open or closed? All of these things matter, and determine how fast or how slow your bud dries out. You want the bud to dry out as slow as possible without halting the processes the plant is undergoing through during drying, and curing.

I've read lots of different things about curing and I understand it. However I need someone with experience to tell me if what's going on is normal or not. So my specific question is: Is the fresh, not so weed like smell normal? They've been curing now for less than a week but it doesn't seem to be getting better. I have patience but I wonder if the end result is going to be what I want. Someone please answer me!!! I'm desperate!!!! I don't want all my hard work to go to waste.

Your bud isn't curing, it is simply sitting in a jar. The curing process has been halted, and it will not be started again. You will simply need to try again on your next grow and bare through the grassy weed.

Something that I haven't mentioned yet is the fact that my buds are still moist. They haven't completely dried out. So back to my original question is this "not so weed like" smell going to go away and the dank smell we want going to be more as I continue to cure or is the smell of my crop simply fucked?
It is very possible the crop is fucked as far as a nice dry, and a nice cure. However, if the buds are still wet, let them sit out longer, you won't know until you let them completely dry out.


New Member
This slow dry 1 to 2 week bullshit is just that BS.
its a great way to make a grass smell. Just hang the whole plant (leave all leafs on they suck the moisture out from the stems and inner buds) and dry it enough. For those that dispute this I have dried every fucking way and at every fucking humidity possible. (high humidity sucks for drying)
I like to paper bag it for a bit after that

If you dry it enough the trimming will be much easier than wet trimming
If you dispute this you have not trimmed enough!
The dry is way more important than the cure and where it is usually fucked up.
if it goes to over 64% -65% humidity in the jar, container etc.. it will end up like grass and should be completely taken out for a few hours or more not burped cause you aren't drying it enough.. .Try using bags not jars
when its to wet in the jar (looking at your hydrometer) its much easier to open and get lots of air in to dry it a bit more than when its packed in a jar. Jars should be used for storage only. master the dry the cure is nothing but letting it sit for a week or two
If you wet trim you usually have grass and curing wont help
Buds always become dry on the outside and stay way to wet inside if
wet trimming. People then jar it and have grass.

Burping is only to adjust the humidity in the jar SLIGHTLY not to dry it. Its smoke and storage ready at about 58%-59% under 55% its fucked up
Get a hygrometer and calibrate it with a boveda pack
In conclusion dry that shit all the way get it down to 58%


Well-Known Member
Hey cool man if a 1-2 week dry is bs how long do you dry for?
I found this effects my smoke major~~ average humidity here is 50-70 though.
why wouldn't you try to get a 1 or two week dry??? I can understand a quicker dry, to prevent mold in a high humidity drying area, but do you mean this in an environment like mine?
just curious-- thanks.

and if you need your room humidity down some people use damp rid if they can't get a dehumidifier, just be careful because they work really well and may pull the moisture from your ganja

I've also heard of a rice method. somewhat like a reverse burp. Instead of opening a jar every day you put them in a container (seperate) with rice for X amounts of minutes each day.

once you think its ready, jar it and check RH

and no 80% is no good to jar


New Member
This slow dry 1 to 2 week bullshit is just that BS.
its a great way to make a grass smell. Just hang the whole plant (leave all leafs on they suck the moisture out from the stems and inner buds) and dry it enough. For those that dispute this I have dried every fucking way and at every fucking humidity possible. (high humidity sucks for drying)
I like to paper bag it for a bit after that

If you dry it enough the trimming will be much easier than wet trimming
If you dispute this you have not trimmed enough!
The dry is way more important than the cure and where it is usually fucked up.
if it goes to over 64% -65% humidity in the jar, container etc.. it will end up like grass and should be completely taken out for a few hours or more not burped cause you aren't drying it enough.. .Try using bags not jars
when its to wet in the jar (looking at your hydrometer) its much easier to open and get lots of air in to dry it a bit more than when its packed in a jar. Jars should be used for storage only. master the dry the cure is nothing but letting it sit for a week or two
If you wet trim you usually have grass and curing wont help
Buds always become dry on the outside and stay way to wet inside if
wet trimming.
People then jar it and have grass.
Burping is only to adjust the humidity in the jar SLIGHTLY not to dry it. Its smoke and storage ready at about 58%-59% under 55% its fucked up
Get a hygrometer and calibrate it with a boveda pack
In conclusion dry that shit all the way get it down to 58%
So much bad information in this post, where to start? No, slow drying your plant isn't bullshit, no slow drying your plant doesn't give you a grass smell, and that is exactly what you are doing when you hang the entire plant up. No, the leaves are not sucking moisture from the stems and inner buds, the plant is losing moisture from every single stoma on the plant. I am disputing it. No, dry trimming is more difficult than wet trimming, and you follow that statement up by saying if you haven't trimmed enough? I don't think you've ever trimmed a plant in your life. How can the dry be more important than the cure, when it is impossible to cure your bud without a proper drying process? They are related, not mutually exclusive. Wet trimming has nothing to do with the grass smell, and definitely has nothing to do with "always become dry on the outside and stay wet on the inside".


Well-Known Member
YES, the grass/haylike smell will go away after the buds are properly cured....Proper drying and curing, in MY opinion, is never accomplished in less than one month....never...


Well-Known Member
So much bad information in this post, where to start? No, slow drying your plant isn't bullshit, no slow drying your plant doesn't give you a grass smell, and that is exactly what you are doing when you hang the entire plant up. No, the leaves are not sucking moisture from the stems and inner buds, the plant is losing moisture from every single stoma on the plant. I am disputing it. No, dry trimming is more difficult than wet trimming, and you follow that statement up by saying if you haven't trimmed enough? I don't think you've ever trimmed a plant in your life. How can the dry be more important than the cure, when it is impossible to cure your bud without a proper drying process? They are related, not mutually exclusive. Wet trimming has nothing to do with the grass smell, and definitely has nothing to do with "always become dry on the outside and stay wet on the inside".

I dry the whole plant then trim and never had an issue, it does extend the dry for me, if i trim and dry they are dry in 2 days and its harsh and nasty.. whole plant it extends to 4-5 days, then paper bag for 2-3...and at this point its like itd been cured ...however stick it in a jar for a week and it gets sticky....2 weeks tops for drying and curing from chop.... exactly what you do in a desert climate. Not counting my first 3 grows, but the 17 that followed.... Never an issue dank everytime.


Active Member
Guys, great info and thanks for giving me some better idea about the whole drying and curing process. To give you all an idea of what drying conditions are like my neck of the woods i.e Bay Area by the Ocean . I can take a sample bud close to finish and trim some of the smaller leaves off . This bud is left in at room temp away from direct sunlight. From the time of cutting till the bud is dry enough to smoke is approx. 5 days. This is with dry warm weather. Now the temps will dip a bit over the next month or so . If I go all out and hang my plants to dry complete with leaves , this might take 2 weeks given the climate around here . Again by the sea , though dry , but with higher humidity. Is there any way of knowing if the drying is going as planned with a rule of thumb indicator of dryness needed in a set period . Like say after one week , how should the drying progress be ?.........I want to make sure no mold ruins my harvest...........I have a dehumidifier if needed in my grow room ....


New Member
I dry the whole plant then trim and never had an issue, it does extend the dry for me, if i trim and dry they are dry in 2 days and its harsh and nasty.. whole plant it extends to 4-5 days, then paper bag for 2-3...and at this point its like itd been cured ...however stick it in a jar for a week and it gets sticky....2 weeks tops for drying and curing from chop.... exactly what you do in a desert climate. Not counting my first 3 grows, but the 17 that followed.... Never an issue dank everytime.
If you are drying a whole plant in 5 days you're doing it wrong, if wet trimmed bud dries in 2 days, you're doing it wrong. Paper bag? You're doing it wrong. No, at this point it isn't cured, not in the slightest. Uh no, curing in two weeks? No, just, NO! What do you do in a desert climate? You control your grow and drying environment with a humidifier. I am not concerned with what you find is quality smoke, you're doing it wrong.

Guys, great info and thanks for giving me some better idea about the whole drying and curing process. To give you all an idea of what drying conditions are like my neck of the woods i.e Bay Area by the Ocean . I can take a sample bud close to finish and trim some of the smaller leaves off . This bud is left in at room temp away from direct sunlight. From the time of cutting till the bud is dry enough to smoke is approx. 5 days. This is with dry warm weather. Now the temps will dip a bit over the next month or so . If I go all out and hang my plants to dry complete with leaves , this might take 2 weeks given the climate around here . Again by the sea , though dry , but with higher humidity. Is there any way of knowing if the drying is going as planned with a rule of thumb indicator of dryness needed in a set period . Like say after one week , how should the drying progress be ?.........I want to make sure no mold ruins my harvest...........I have a dehumidifier if needed in my grow room ....
All you have to do is stick a little temperature and RH gauge in your drying environment. Is the temperature between 65 and 72 degrees? Is the RH between 40% - 55%? Then you're good, the conditions is what lets you know your plant is drying properly. Also looking at the stems, as the plant dries the stems turn from green to a lighter brown. That lets you know that chlorophyll is being broken down.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I never stick any guages in my drying room! Im the guage why you ask. Because im pimp like that i become one with the plant!


Well-Known Member
If you are drying a whole plant in 5 days you're doing it wrong, if wet trimmed bud dries in 2 days, you're doing it wrong. Paper bag? You're doing it wrong. No, at this point it isn't cured, not in the slightest. Uh no, curing in two weeks? No, just, NO! What do you do in a desert climate? You control your grow and drying environment with a humidifier. I am not concerned with what you find is quality smoke, you're doing it wrong.

All you have to do is stick a little temperature and RH gauge in your drying environment. Is the temperature between 65 and 72 degrees? Is the RH between 40% - 55%? Then you're good, the conditions is what lets you know your plant is drying properly. Also looking at the stems, as the plant dries the stems turn from green to a lighter brown. That lets you know that chlorophyll is being broken down.
Okay so all the pounds ive grown over the years is wrong? Lol yeah right.
Listen man,you do not add humidity here, it ruins the dry everything becomes uneven,... If you knew anything about growing in a dry climate, youd know this, at this point youre talking out of your arssssss, in fact at first i tried do dry cure like i was back east.... IT DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT in the desert.


New Member
Is there any way of knowing if the drying is going as planned with a rule of thumb indicator of dryness needed in a set period .
With humid environments like yours, I always recommend a de-humidifier. This allows you to keep an area at a certain R/H and draw that dry air through your dryer. Once you have a constant R/H you will be able to build a decent timeline for a decent dry. Drying and curing are different things, if you plan on curing then your bud should be at that 50-60% before removing from your drying racks and placing in jars, this is when the cure starts. If you don't cure then leaving your herb on the rack until its around that 20-25%, perfect smoking moisture. A easy way to tell is pick up digital fish scale, hang your drying rack on it tare it off, place your product on the rack, take a weight. This is your starting weight or wet weight. Divide that number by 5 and now that becomes your dry weight of your product. Once every morning turn on the scale, take a reading and once you hit your dry weight pull the rack. JAS


New Member
So much bad information in this post, where to start? LOL your wrong No, slow drying your plant isn't bullshit, no slow drying your plant doesn't give you a grass smell, and that is exactly what you are doing when you hang the entire plant up.-Your basically composting your weed with to slow of a dry I have been doing this many years I have used digital humidifiers and digital dehumidifiers and compared drying lengths and humidity levels No, the leaves are not sucking moisture from the stems and inner buds,-stupidest post you have made yet actually pitiful the plant is losing moisture from every single stoma on the plant. I am disputing it.Go ahead you are clueless No, dry trimming is more difficult than wet trimming,-BS and you follow that statement up by saying if you haven't trimmed enough? very true I run 72 good size plants legally under 10 1000s I don't think you've ever trimmed a plant in your life.LOL your a joke How can the dry be more important than the cure, when it is impossible to cure your bud without a proper drying process?you just said it They are related, not mutually exclusive. Wet trimming has nothing to do with the grass smell,BS again and definitely has nothing to do with "always become dry on the outside and stay wet on the inside".-BS again your good at that!

red wording- my responce to the bs. You have all tried what people have said and dont have that dank cali smell I have told you why!
This other guy is completely full of shit and surely smokes schwag!

With humid environments like yours, I always recommend a de-humidifier. This allows you to keep an area at a certain R/H and draw that dry air through your dryer. Once you have a constant R/H you will be able to build a decent timeline for a decent dry. -


New Member
QUOTE]Uh no, curing in two weeks? No, just, NO! What do you do in a desert climate? You control your grow and drying environment with a humidifier.

Retarded speculation been there done that it sucks

Paper bag? You're doing it wrong.
This one is stupid again and misinformation at its finest!