Grateful Dead

oh man u need to listen more and smoke at the same time more! ! !
yea i love the dead
always will
no trouble ahead, no trouble behind:peace:
my girl is a HUGE dead head (seen over 170 shows ) Been onstage , backstage , hung with the boys ... And she said they did a fantastic Job.. Im not that deep into them (GD) but I enjoy their music

Me too korvette, I have never seen a show (wish i would have), but really dig their music. :peace:
Their jams are seemingly endless.. if you had enough pot and all their music youd reach nirvana under a week =.o

Let's not forget:
Workingman's Dead
American Beauty
Live Dead
omg terrapin station!
i love that albumm sittin rite nxt to me to.
damm how did it get there
ha wow
yea i love equinox!
fan of the music, though to call myself a dead head would be disrespectful to the title. i've only listened to music at all for like, 3 years, so i'm still pokin aroudn in everything. the dead took me about 2 years to see it. like...i knew of them from the start. but it ain't the same
fan of the music, though to call myself a dead head would be disrespectful to the title. i've only listened to music at all for like, 3 years, so i'm still pokin aroudn in everything. the dead took me about 2 years to see it. like...i knew of them from the start. but it ain't the same
Oh, you're a Deadhead alright. If you like what you hear and keep groovin', there's little doubt.

You are one of us.
We could have us a high time. Livin' the good life, hiiiiiiiiiigh. Well, I know.

But I think Workingman's Dead takes the cake for me. Black Peter? High Time?? Are you kidding me!? I hope everyone here has listened to "High Time" atleast once in their life.
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The Dead are the soundtrack to life.

Dead Set, Mars Hotel - Just Magical

I think I'll put Europe '72 on