Great fucking times!! {({CLICK HERE IF YOUR STONED})}


Well-Known Member

Duuude i sat down smoked 3/4 of my blunt then fillled the bong and smoked the rest through that. i used a paper clip to hole blunt up so it wudnt touch the sides and blazed every bit o' dat shit. GOD NOW IM SOOO BAKED and im not sure if its a good thing or bad thing that it smelled like windex .. .. lol.

lets hear some of u'r GREAT FUCKING STONER TImES and some pics wud b cool.

p.s. im listenin to "with a little help from my friends" Joe cocker

Biznizz Hippee

Active Member
off 1 blunt? your that high? oh well takes at least 2 blunts with friends to get me that high ... sucks i wish i could get high fast that would save a lot of money


Well-Known Member
2 blunts to get high? I smoked 2 blunts with my buddy last night and went out to Wood Ranch for dinner. I started buggin out. Of course this was 2 blunts of the shit I grew and we don't smoke baby blunts.

2 blunts like this would make Snoop Dogg cry. When I say buggin out I was just having the little heart racing attack. I hate that shit. When I get too stoned my heart starts pumpin' and I get all hot and sweaty. Sucks balls. My chick get's it too so I assume everyone does. The cool thing is that used to last like an hour, now it lasts like 5 minutes. Maybe that's not a cool thing in retrospect as my high doesn't last very long anymore.


Well-Known Member
GREAT FUCKING TIMES INDEED! You just gave us all the best fucking idea ever. A blunt/joint holder for a bong. I love the idea. The slow burning smoke from a weed cig filtered through a bong. I would never have thought of it. Guess my brain is coated with too much resin.


Well-Known Member
off 1 blunt? your that high? oh well takes at least 2 blunts with friends to get me that high ... sucks i wish i could get high fast that would save a lot of money
'With friends' on your own you would be like 'im so dead right now'

i'm slightly high, i dropped my weed on the floor about ten mins ago but my chips have caught my attention..

i'll get through the rest soooon.


Well-Known Member
I suggest not grabbing your closest buddy and taking two blunts down in about 30 minutes and then trying to go dinner.

Reminds me of last years superbowl. I was with this guy and we smoked a fuckin' blunt every quarter. 1 football game, 4 blunts, 2 guys. It was fuckin' retarded. Felt like I ate a brownie that was too strong. Definitely buggin' out hard. Especially since we were poundin' beers at the same time.

The guy I was with was actually my girlfriends dad. Life has been good to me.