Great Lakes Genetics ?

Are all the Bodhi freebies already sold out? I foolishly waited until today to complete my order (couldn't make up my mind on what freebies I wanted) and when I tried to complete my order today, there are no Bodhi freebies being listed at all. The GLG freebie pops up like it should, but nothing for Bodhi, so I'm scared I missed out on this one.
Are all the Bodhi freebies already sold out? I foolishly waited until today to complete my order (couldn't make up my mind on what freebies I wanted) and when I tried to complete my order today, there are no Bodhi freebies being listed at all. The GLG freebie pops up like it should, but nothing for Bodhi, so I'm scared I missed out on this one.

They're not sold out, the site's just broken. They know about it and are working on it.

Are all the Bodhi freebies already sold out? I foolishly waited until today to complete my order (couldn't make up my mind on what freebies I wanted) and when I tried to complete my order today, there are no Bodhi freebies being listed at all. The GLG freebie pops up like it should, but nothing for Bodhi, so I'm scared I missed out on this one.

This is Dragboat
I am sorry for the inconvenience. Our internet server did a up date yesterday morning and the bodhi freebie list disappeared along with the promo rules.
We have been up all night and have the site back up. If you did not finish your order,please try again now. If you did make a order . Please make a new one . And If all works OK. Please send me a email and I will cancel the 1st order. If there is a problem please LMK and we will get it fixed. I will not cancel your order until this is fixed,to ensure you get the Items you have picked.
And when you send payment,please send a copy of this message and I will give you sum extra goodies. Along with your name here

Thanks DBJ
Hello bad dawg,
I looked at the promo page and saw there will be a restock and buy two get one free for coastal seeds? Is that an old promo or is that going to coming up?
Yes this will be a drop of his newest gear.Hope to have up for black friday but it depends on when we get our package.
Buy any 2 packs and get a free 10 pack of your choice from the Coastal freebie list.
Freebies 10 packs

Fourora Borealis (4 Way x NL1)
Dumpster (Dumpster x NL1)
UK Cheese x NL1

New strains coming and there price.

BSHW $300- 13 seeds
Kali Mist Burmese $200.00 13 seeds
Smugglers Choice Burmese $200.00 13 seeds
Yeshe18 (Red Lebanese x Panama Red x Burmese) $200.00 13 seeds
Hello @Bad Dawg I was trying to take advantage of the Bodhi BOGO but when i go to press 'Place Order' this message pops up "An error occurred on the server. Please try to place the order again." Ive tried emptying my cart and logging out but I still cant order. Any help is appreciated...i just want some Bodhi Seeds

EDIT- Dragboat replied promptly and is actively trilying to fix the problem:clap::clap:
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Did the site crash I got on earlier but had heck signing in(my fault not putting password in correctly)after figuring that one out,it froze up in the middle of checking out. So backed out to start over and can't get back on site at all. Maybe my sorry internet service here hehe
Did the site crash I got on earlier but had heck signing in(my fault not putting password in correctly)after figuring that one out,it froze up in the middle of checking out. So backed out to start over and can't get back on site at all. Maybe my sorry internet service here hehe
The site was not down to my knowledge and I had worked most of the day getting ready for some Black Friday drops. LMK if you are still having problems.
New Useful Freebies at Greatlakes Genetics

Just in time for Black Friday they drop at 12
noon EST.
Also re-listing some unpaid gear!!!

New Useful Freebies
All freebie packs have 7 seeds.
Gorilla Bomb x Buckeye Purple---
Gelato 45 x Sour Strawberry---
Chocolate Mint OG x Buckeye purple---
Appalachian Super skunk x Buckeye purple---
Fruity Pebble F3---
Pre 2000 Black Domina---
Dank Sinatra
Triple Dawg
--- =Limited supply