great outdoors grow


ok well im starting this a little late but whatever i have two plants growing both bagseed and outdoors

heres the few pics i took when starting the grow up till now..



And here is what they look like today and 1 week into flowering:]]

the one in the green pot isnt really showing that much but the one in the white pot has a good amount for 1 week into flowering right? all the close ups are or the one in the white pot..

nvm it wont let me upload anymore right now idk why but i will post them as soon as it lets me..


finally i got it to is the pics of my plants from today i started to force flower them 7 days ago the close ups are only of the ones from the plant in the white pot this is my first grow so do they look ok for only flowering for 1 week so far?



ok plants are in there 3rd week of flowering
and i also transplanted to bigger pots

and i think the plant on the right is dieing idk ill show some close ups of the leafs please let me know what you think its not heat stress nice and breezy outside and temp never above 80 F and not root bound and also stopped giving nutes 2 weeks ago so its not that any other ideas please??
i dont want all this hard work to go to waste.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
They are reacting to too much salts. Whenever you have leaf tips brown and curl like that, it is a reaction to moisture loss. Other than that, they look fine.

How is your water quality regarding TDS, hardness and what is the NPK in the plant foods you been giving them, how much and how often?

Also, when you transplanted, did the rootball come out intact or did you "butcher" it? You only need to upcan once, from the germ pot to the final pot.


i dont know water quality i just use the filtered tap water from the that it?
the nutes i was giving was 15 30 15 and would give once a week but i stopped when i started to flower 3 weeks ago.

and yes transplant was perfect not even a clump came off and the pot had no dirt in it there was so many roots..and it didn't droop at all..but this is my frist grow so i didnt know not you know how to fix it?


Well-Known Member
What are you trying to do with them? Are you gonna continue to force them to flower or set them out? The hours of daylight are getting longer and trying to get them to stay in flower is gonna take some disipline on you regulating their light. The only reason I say is because that's a lot of work outdoors. That one might be suffering from a nute deficiency or sun problems since it can be rather harsh on ones you move around from darkness to full summer sun.


yeah its lame but i gotta or they will get too big..and yeah 7 pm to 7 am i keep them in my shed..but i dont think i have to worry to much about heat im in socali so it dosnt get that hot or is even southern California summers too hot?

and its usaly cool in the mornings no matter what anyways..still think its gonna be a problem tho?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
i dont know water quality i just use the filtered tap water from the that it?
the nutes i was giving was 15 30 15 and would give once a week but i stopped when i started to flower 3 weeks ago.
At what rate and how often?


Well-Known Member
Have you tried flushing it with just plain water? The soil might be too loaded with nutes or salts and needs some relief. After that start back with 1/2 strength feeding for a while and see how she does. Just a thought.


yeah i have been trying to flush but all the sudden yesterday it stoped draining the watter is just sitting on top of the dirt? why?