I have owned my own house now for 15 years and have been gardening the entire time (MJ and Produce).
At first I was using Miracle Grow and getting some really good results but after a couple of years, the garden kept getting worse and worse. I basically had to keep using more and more MG to get the results that I was expecting from the first couple of years which sucked because it became really expensive!
Then I started getting into making my own compost and in turn started learning about "Living Soil", benefits of earthworms, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, etc. And believe me bro, it made A LOT of sense!
Since then I have been nothing but organic and not only do I have a better garden for it, I also have examples of a Healthy environment. Ever heard about how you should not drink from a stream unless you see vigorous life around it like lizards (who happen to be EXTREMELY sensitive to chemicals)? Or Preying Mantis?
Well I have a stream and about 10 acres and now see tons of lizards, frogs, preying mantis, etc. in and around my property.
FACT: Chemical fertilizers leave behind salt after they decompose
FACT: Salt buildup will kill soil microbes and beneficiary soil organisms like earthworms
FACT: Chemical ferts can be used to make bombs
FACT: Miracle Grow is a HORRIBLE company