Great way to decarb for cannabis pills

The same exact one you just called me.
She's a fkn bloodsucking paranoid craven worm on mental disability, that has obsessively glommed onto me. You know she's targeted me and IS a passive aggressive trolling fruit-bat, for a hopeful "win". You've turned your back on her bad behavior, I haven't expected much from you since. Same with bineer. I'll call her what she is now, while considering your words, even after your attempt to step on me a few times.
Korsakoff's syndrome (alcohol related brain damage)

4. Symptoms
As with Korsakoff's syndrome, the symptoms of alcoholic dementia largely reflect the areas in the person's brain that are damaged. Overall, the symptoms of alcoholic dementia are more varied than those of Korsakoff's.

A person with alcoholic dementia often has:

  • poor planning and organisational skills, and problems with decision-making, judgement and risk assessment
  • problems with impulsivity (eg rash financial decisions) and difficulty controlling emotions (eg irritability or outbursts)
  • problems with attention and slower reasoning
  • lack of sensitivity to the feelings of other people
  • behaviour which is socially inappropriate.

Now all we have to do is wait for your flapping tremors