great white or orca

Got a question. If you compare Recharge Natrual Soil Conditioner's back label with Plant Success Great White and also Plant Success Soluble.. you'll find that Plant Success's products has wayyy more bacteria per units than Recharge does.

The only pro of Recharge I've found is the molasses, aminos, kelp and humic/fulvic added to it. Dude Grows is having fantastic results with it.

My question is, has anyone tried inoculating with GW/Orca/Soluble once a week with similar kick ass results? I've only found guys who use said products during transplants, or maybe once a month. Most ppl argue it's a waste of money, but I'm down to inoculate once a week if I can get comparable results. You gotta enjoy the root porn sometimes :).

Reason I'm asking is because Recharge Soil Conditioner isn't available in Canada. And the closest thing I've found to it's recipe is Plant Success Soluble.


Plant Success GW/Soluble
Great white beats orca all day.

If your rolling dwc, recirculating, undercurrent, nft, etc roll orca,

But if your rolling coco, dtw, fnd, soil, soiless roll great white!!!!!
Great white beats orca all day.

If your rolling dwc, recirculating, undercurrent, nft, etc roll orca,

But if your rolling coco, dtw, fnd, soil, soiless roll great white!!!!!

Sounds good. If i were to get Orca.. say.. 16oz bottle. Whats the recommended time I try to finish it by?? Assuming it has a shorter shelf life than other products..
I'll start with rec dosage.. but eventually when/if I notice the bottle to degrade, I'll just amp up the dosage.
Nothing better than making teas bags out of mature forest dirt with old conifer trees. The soil underneath them will be pact will a hundred times more bennies as its been growing for a hundred years!!!

If you have a compost pile, mix the dirt in and let it do its thing!!
Sounds like a nice way to introduce unwanted bugs aka aphids,mites,gnats into your grow tent. Unless of course you cook that soil fist which may very well kill those benis you were looking to bring in at the start.