Great White Shark & Ice Cream


just wanted to say hello everyone, my babies are 4 weeks old (from germ) under 400w air cooled lighting, hydroponics and are doing nicely, have been absorbing information from all you guys for a few weeks and am doin well so thanks to everyone for sharing tips,
i'll get a photo up for ya'all soon to show off :) much love


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU..

Hydro is on the to-learn list here so if you have soil questions..

Did you snap that Avi shot?

I went in 2009.. was like a work out trying to do the whole city!


doing hydro with clay pebbles .. working well so far :)

went to amsterdam last year, absolutly the best place in the world, did you manage to go to vondel park when you went??


Well-Known Member
Maybe .. I really wandered around toasted every day.. names ? Not going to happen.

Two things i will tell people is make sure they have a GREAT Shower and Fresh COFFEE not the VendO machines! I got a great Shower at the Linda Hotel but the Coffee was vendo..
Wow on the Stairs! Man was that a workout. every building has to be different inside and out I understand. the Stairs in the Linda are intense!

I don't remember names. Was that near Hard Rock Cafe?

Man if I ever get back it's 30 days or nothing.. Just to hang out all night is something I didn't get much of.

Was 4 am - 5 am wake up on my own for some off reason.. You would think a Guy smoking all day and walking miles would sleep in every day but for some reason Adam was like a job I had to get to everyday..
Well it was fun.. Even the Torture/Horror museum. The Art museums were an experience.. I think of art but once I saw the works it was a whole new realm.

I had one all night at that place that has live music what was that called?

And the bummer is there wasn't a decent Steak and Egg breakfast in the whole Town! One place had Steak and Eggs but was not the best..

So where was this park? Is it the one with the Statue? Where the young hang on the Grass?


yeah it's a massive park with loads of statues and people on the grass playing music and smoking .. i spent all day there just chillin on the grass, watching the ducks go by. amazing
didn't see many museums though, did a lot of walking round laughing like an idiot
.. and sat in a giant clog.