green caterpilers eating my buds

tha pintster

Active Member
planted my 2 babies in may .let them grow outside till about 3 -4 weeks ago

had a problem with caterpilers outside and between me and the wasps picking the off it seemed to be cured.

now there indoors and buding away but i went up today and notice that 1 of the buds was wilting and dead.
after a closer inspecton a bastard caterpiller crawed out.i spent an hour checkin the plants and finding about another 5 or 6.

some leaves seemed to be stuck together and when i ripped them apart i found more and a few pupas...any quick fix for this as my plants are going good.
if it was only the leaves i wouldnt worry as much but they seem to be hangin about the buds.i dont want to be somkin them when they'r done


Active Member
Cut off all of the parts of the plant that were eaten by the caterpillars, those parts will decay and eventually mold which will spread. Other than that you pretty much did it right. Just keep checking the plant, ply apart the buds gently because they like to nest deep down in them. To me those fuckers are the worst pest problem to have because they feast off the nuggets.

tha pintster

Active Member
will chop out the munched parts and keep an eye on them.i think my pest are stoned to the balls cause when i picked it out it seemed like it was in a daze .i soon flatened his head for him


Well-Known Member
Also, if you keep checking like halfbaked said, and there are no adult moths flying around, you'll control it completely.


Active Member
I say tell the fuckers that if they are going to hang around to sart paying rent if not to get the hell out!