The amount or quality of bud that you will get off that plant, or any plant you grow even the best genetics, without the right knowledge of what kind of environment it needs throughout each phase, you will NOT get anything worth jail time or worse whatever the penalty for growing is in your country.... Unfortunately, all you can do is try to get a better source, and usually just keeping it in a glass jar will be good enough because youll smoke it before it goes bad. But growing is not going to work for you, and way too risky when your new and dont know anything... Take this time to lay back and learn while you save some money up, and learn to spend wisely on the right equipment, or take the time to find a spot that people cant trace back to you, and learn how to grow plants outside at the right time of year, by preparing proper soil that doesnt need to to visit every day... Just once to plant, maybe once in the middle, and then at the end to harvest. Start learning, Right now that hopeless seedling wont make it, and depending on the penalty, is definitely not worth it. Good luck. Ill point you to some resources to learn if you'd like. Just PM me. Cheers.