Green house question?

Outdoor noob

New Member
I had a quick question regarding green housing. I plan to do my plants outside and I've come across information that tells me if the plants are still really young its a good idea to put a drinking glass over them to form a 'green house' and protect the plant.

I've also seen peat cubes in trays and the plastic cover which suggested to cover it up to form another 'green house' effect.

My question is, wont putting a drinking glass cover or plastic cover over your sprouts kill them from the lack of O2 / CO2?


Well-Known Member
no it will not. they only do it a few days i think. iits not required.
also i think its better to cut a 20oz bottle in half and throw away the bottom of itand the cap. then there is a hole in top and protects from bugs and also helps keep humidity up but you must keep it moist.


Well-Known Member
If its air tight and you leave them to long, yes it will kill them. Those little trays with the lids are not air tight and if you cover your plants outside it should not be air tight.Most people cover there plants at night to keep the frost off them and they take the cover or glass off in the late morning.

Outdoor noob

New Member
no it will not they only do it a few days i think. i dont, its not required.
also i think its better to cut a 20oz bottle in half and throw away the bottom of itand the cap. then there is a hole in top and protects from bugs and also helps keep humidity up but you must keep it moist.
+rep. Thank you!

Just to be clear, if I were to do a glass or any type of cover I shouldn't do it for more than several days at a time?

Outdoor noob

New Member
If its air tight and you leave them to long, yes it will kill them. Those little trays with the lids are not air tight and if you cover your plants outside it should not be air tight.Most people cover there plants at night to keep the frost off them and they take the cover or glass off in the late morning.
I see, i'll take your advice but it seems odd to me how putting a glass or any type over cover over a plant does not suffocate it?


Well-Known Member
I see, i'll take your advice but it seems odd to me how putting a glass or any type over cover over a plant does not suffocate it?
i have done it before just for humidity purposes it didnt suffocate, i took them off when they sprouted maybe 2 days later. cut a hole in top if your worried tho. thanks for the rep brotha:joint: