green house seed company


i think these guys are full of it. im lookn at there website and they gots videos that look like there from the 90s for each strain and they say the strain is like 8-12% but then you scroll down the page and there telln you its like in the fuckn 20% area and they got this dumb ass strain hunters show. What the fuck is that? this these guys go to like india or somethin and hes walkn up to fields of pot like "Omg its church" or some other strain they sell like. has nebody orderd seeds from them? r they full of shit?


bud bootlegger
greenhouse seeds suck ass, and their "bubba kush" isn't even really a bubba kush, they used bubblegum in the cross, which is so not what bubba kush is..
their seeds are super hermie prone, and no, i've never ordered from them, and no, i don't shop at walmart either, which is pretty much the same thing imo..


bud bootlegger
in no particular order... sannies, dna, reserva prevada, th seeds, cali connection, gage green, cannosuer, dr greenthumbs, kaliman, sagamatha, sensi, mr nice... there's more as well, but these are some of my fav's.....


Well-Known Member
Well, I have been ordering greenhouse seeds for about 4 years now. I order only fem seeds. Trainwreck, bubba kush, snow white, and white widow to name a few. I usually get at least 4 out of 5 to grow. I have only had one hermie, that was a widow and about 3 years ago. The way I understand it is they dont have their own website but sell through places like Attitude and seed boutique. At least that's where I got them. I got no complaints. I think their train wreck is awesome.


Greenhouse seeds suck. I love dinafem and g13 tga is also awesome. but check outattitude seed bank they are the best in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
king of cannabis? haha....................................... cheese.......................................


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse doesn't seem to be that bad. A friend of mine order Fem Church. It was good and no hermies. I ordered Fem Super Lemon Haze so far no hermies. I just harvested two weeks ago so I haven't smoked it yet.

Dr. Greenthumb was way overpriced. I ordered their OG Kush. They turned hermies. However, I'm not sure if this is my fault or if the seeds were just hermies.

Attitude seedbank is just a seedbank. I don't think they have their own strains. They just sell other peoples seeds. But, this is were I ordered my Fem Super Lemon Haze from and it came in the original Greenhouse package and was delivered fast.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, but I did notice that Greenhouse does write some false information on their page. Example: Feminised Super Lemon Haze - in the middle of the page is says THC is 19.33% but on the bottom of the page it says "THC is high at over 22%."

So, I'm not to sure what to say about their THC levels.


Whats the big hypr over cheese about? I thought it was prtty good but not that note worthy theres tons of other waay better strains i think.


Well-Known Member
Only had one from them and that was kings kush, needless to say, it was a dud from the get go. Seed had issues breaking through shell then had problems sprouting into its leafs. Out of the garden its definitely the smallest one of all, without a doubt a runt. Although i was going to throw it out in the beginning i kept it just cause it would be more smoke when its done. In flower its flowering but not up to par with the others. Might still be some goods but was too much trouble to begin with. Barney violator had a nut problem about three weeks in but removed and sprayed with reverse then a week later saw a couple of more clusters and sprayed them too, so far so good. G13 pineapple express, good stuff but had one show me a couple of nuts three weeks in but could be due to the "caregiver" of the girls. Dinafem bluewidow was excellent till it had a few clusters on it as well, but removed them a tad to late and now a couple of sites are a few seeds. its cool though overall im happy with them all, just gotta keep watch over them daily for any sudden changes, reg or fem seeds. But i will NOT order from GHSC again. One bad experience was enough for me.


Well-Known Member
Ive grown and growing Greenhouse Strains- Ive also grown from other seed banks Sensi TH Seeds Barneys just to name a few. And to be fair to greenhouse even tho i hear bad thing s about it than good, literally all my beasts ive grown in the past, 6 to 7 ounces per lady have been greenhouse strains Quality outstanding. I dont actually have a bad word to say about them. The Church 15 nicker for 5 fem, grown it twice, WELL WORTH THE MONEY- it grew exactly the same as my first time doing the Church, consistent in pheno's and MASSIVE producers! Not had any Runts. Solid solid buds!
Sensi Seed banks Afghan 1 has been the worst strain ive ever grown. And Sensi were suppose to be the Nutz! BullShi*.

Paradise seeds and DNA Genetics are prob my two favorites as well as greenhouse!


Well-Known Member
just ordered GHS super critical (5 fem) all germed in 2 days and planted in RW, one didnt make it and one is a runt, but the other 3 are huge already, here is a few pics of the progress. all in all im happy with the seeds i dont believe any breeders description if i like the strain (and i mean crosses and genetics) then i buy it dont really care about the rest, all i need to know is the overall height the plant can reach and the flowering time.

pics are as follows, week 1,2,3 the runt looks like week 2 but the others are all the same size.

