Well-Known Member
My plants are just now 1 month old and I had the same problem.. Absolute first thing you have to do is check your Ph. My Ph was around 7.6 which is way too high.
So I found some stuff at my local lowes called IronSafe, its made by lilly miller. the nute ratio is 4-0-0. It has 4% nitrogen, 10% sulfur as well as all the other trace elements. I just sprinkled a small handful around my plants and they took off like a rocket. The Ph is now around 6.5 on the runoff water and the soil is around 6.8 They have now turned dark lush green and have doubled in size in 8 days. Dont always assume nitrogen is the only culprit of yellow leaves. I am by no means a pro, just telling you what worked for me. The only other thing i did in the earlier stages was to spray magnesium sulfate (epsom salt)on the leaves. 1/2 teaspoon in a quart of room temperature water, let dry and spray again with clean water. On your next grow remember to never give a new seedling nutes. Wait two weeks before starting a mild nutrient solution.
if i were to use baking soda or vinegar what should i use to lower it to 6.5? and how much if my soil is 7.5
i'll try that and i never gave my seedlings nutes