Yea i made 3 on april 18th (for sure) one april 24 and 25th (i believe dont quote me exactly but def around that)
Anyways i got a tracking # (1st order) may 7th. I hadnt checked my emails and finally after waiting a month with no beans asked what the fuck is happening. But still no tracking on the other 2 orders.
So i emailed and asked hey whats up. I was generally avoiding emailing after he complained on IG about people asking about tracking after 3 days yadayada some bullshit asshole post.
This fucking guy responds with 'i was waiting for your first order to arrive before sending the other due to customs reasons'
I have never in my fucking days EVER heard a bank do that. This guy brags about getting 300 orders a day and im supposed to believe he put the tracking number of my order and my follow up 2 orders and what they containted in a notepad of to do's ..lmao
Take it fwiw but imo he tried ripping me off since i hadnt asked about it yet.
My order was over 1500us all 3 combined.
If you have orders waiting and havnt hesrd anything id be spam emailing that guy/the breeder whose packs you bought and let them know.
Im super fucking pissed because i bought packs of clearwater..2 days after i did he posts about freebies..i asked if i qualified..he said no..NOW KNOWING MORE THE HALF MY ORDER HASNT LEFT HIS DOORSTEP AND ME NOT GETTING FREEBIES RLY PISSES ME OFF..NO EXCUSES NOW lol
I gave this douche canoe another chance..i was never burned or had any weird happenings with this dude.even after multiple reports years ago of shady shit..whom he blamed on his old buisness partner..but now it feels as if hes to busy dropping new shit collecting cash and getting more drops then sending out shit thats been payed for .
Anyways i responded as nicely as i could..and he came back at me with yada yada its your loss if it goes missing , im looking out for you..ive been doing this along time etc etc.
I dont think greenline ever offered guaranteed shipping not sure why he would give a fuck all of a sudden. I assumed the risks when i bought them..and im pissed because its almost been a month and most hasnt shipped.
Rant over. If i ever get my beans and none of the freebies i should be entitled to im done with him. Id rather pay the extra and get my beans in a timely fashion from people less arrogant and rude.