Green-o-matic 3 weeks from seed


I have one, 3 week old green-o-matic, and one blue himalaya diesel that sprouted yesterday. The green-o-matic was a bit of a slow starter due to me roasting the shit out of all my plants with 100+ temps; But, has since redeemed herself and is coming along quite nicely.



Active Member
Second time writing this,lol...not sure whats going on:)
Anyways they both look great! That green-o-matic looks nice and healthy and white hairs...
How old was she when u saw the first few hairs? Just wondering...
I just ordered 5 fem green-o-matics from attitude,should be here this week I hope,
Ill be watching for more update:)


Second time writing this,lol...not sure whats going on:)
Anyways they both look great! That green-o-matic looks nice and healthy and white hairs...
How old was she when u saw the first few hairs? Just wondering...
I just ordered 5 fem green-o-matics from attitude,should be here this week I hope,
Ill be watching for more update:)
Sorry bud, if you meant me reposting it twice, it's due to me being anal about any mispellings I may have after posting. lol I planted Dusty (the green-o-matic)late Jan. 20th and she broke soil early morning jan 24th. She showed her first hair yesterday (Feb.14th) so far, after the first mishap with-in her first two days of life; she's been on a nice steady pace. Funny enough, I planted my BHD on Feb. 11th and she broke soil and looks how she does in the previous pic, in under 12 hours. So three days from seed, to germ and sprout. Both stains germed in soil, they went from package to pre-soaked soil.


looking good fella, is that 12/12 from seed?
Thanks. Being auto's, they start to flower based on age rather than light cycle, unlike their photosynthesis counterparts. They will be under 18/6 from seed to harvest, allowing me to to use the same box for any stage of growth.


Active Member
Is this your first indoor grow? Autos are awesome for learning because they move through the stages so quickly. Both look healthy and happy so far, good luck! Btw is the BHD fem or reg?


Is this your first indoor grow? Autos are awesome for learning because they move through the stages so quickly. Both look healthy and happy so far, good luck! Btw is the BHD fem or reg?
Yes, this is my first indoor grow. A new box is under construction, the box they are in can only fit the two plants. I grow for my girlfriend and I's personal medical use, so I want to be able to get 4-6 of these babies going with adequate room. Here in Michigan, the weather isn't prime for growing outdoors right now, I want to get a few of these babies in cycle asap. The law says I can grow 12 per person under my care (my girlfriend and myself). If I would have known what these babies can do (or seem that they will be able to produce) I would have started with much more than two. Reseaching different auto's for months, there really isn't much info out there, I hope to add a bit of info to other's reseach.

The BHD is fem =) Though when my new box is finished, I will use the old box to mate =)


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Being auto's, they start to flower based on age rather than light cycle, unlike their photosynthesis counterparts. They will be under 18/6 from seed to harvest, allowing me to to use the same box for any stage of growth.
sorry mate didnt realise they were autos..good luck.


Is that BHD from short stuff? I'm thinking about getting some fems for my first micro grow. G-O-M is looking fresh.


012.jpg011.jpg005.jpgThe g-o-m has been in flower for about 3 weeks and the BHD popped her first hair out on day 16 above soil (way before her third node even)


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming your GOM are Greenhouse Seeds? I'm just finishing 2 of''s a pic of was really bushy with lots of small leaves among the buds....a bitch to trim but some nice nuggs were hidden .......GOM-3-4.jpg


I'm assuming your GOM are Greenhouse Seeds? I'm just finishing 2 of''s a pic of was really bushy with lots of small leaves among the buds....a bitch to trim but some nice nuggs were hidden .......View attachment 1474409
what did you flowwer with??????what nutes did you use???????what lights????????how much dry did you get per plant?????/