green o matic grow problems PLEASE SOMEONE


Active Member
Hey everyone. New on these forums. Joined because I needed some expert advice. I bought some green O matic seeds online, and germinated them using the tissue paper method. All went well, so I put them in some John Innes No: 2 soil. Thats where they are atm. The root system is about 2.5inches long, however it is going horizontal rather than straight down. Bit wierd but that is not my main problem.

The issue is, is that the cotyledons have opened up under the soil, instead of the seed coming out of the soil.

I use a needle syringe to just see whats happening, which is how I know the root size and also that it opened underground. I have pulled part of the seedling up, about 5mm of the root/stem (Not much visible difference atm) so the cotyledons are out in the open.

The two cotyledon leaves have separated already, and I am on day 5 of the grow (from when I put the seed into the tissue paper). Am I on track? Is the plant going to be fine, should I put it back into the soil and let it come out by itself or what. Any help is much apreciated :)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
LEAVE HER ALONE she will sprout when ready, but fondling her at this tender stage could stunt growth, and it takes aaaaaages to start again if stunted now, just make sure her roots are covered and let it be!!


Active Member
What shall I do then, leave it as it is now? Cause I'v already taken the cotyledons out.

EDIT: also if anyone can provide info on why my roots are growing horizontal then that would be most appreciated


Well-Known Member
If the cots are still in good shape, just let her do her thing. Don't rebury the cots. Normally you want to plant germinated seeds right away before the root has a chance to get long and grow in a weird direction. Next time, plant them in a shallow pencil hole about 5mm deep, taproot side down and put loose soil on top.

Don't worry about it growing horizontal this time, it will go down, but in the future, you'll get better structural support if you plant tap root down as soon as the seed germinates. You can always tie it up if it begins to lean when packing on buds.