Green Plant, Brittle / Hard Leaves?


Well-Known Member
I have a Diesel Ryder going right now, and the growth seems completely stunted for some reason. It's like 6" tall, and it looks like one giant frosty nug like the size of a coconut, haha. It was under a 400w HPS... but was being shaded by another plant, so I put it in my veg box under 6 CFL's and no difference or growth....

The plant looks healthy green, and it's in a 3 gallon bucket. Theres some little tiny yellow dots in the center of a fewww leaves, but thats all. Leaves are brittle and if I bend them at a 90* angle they will snap... and the leaves coming out of the buds are just harrdd not even brittle.

Any ideas, and no pics sorry.


Well-Known Member
But they don't have touch... I said the plants look completely healthy and anyone whos experienced hard or brittle leaves might know what this is. Anyone?
