Be on the lookout for round 3!!! Plan to do another full journal on this eagle scout, can't decide where to put it tho, choices are 1 here in this same thread,
2 in the seed n strain review
3 in the journal section
Or maybe even in the organic thread bc I am 100% organic and I actually plan to start doing more notill sip pots on this strain as well!

Decisions decisions....CM180901-135122002.jpg CM180901-135114001.jpg CM180901-135835001.jpg
My clear cups are setting inside inside black solo cups.Clear cup is only lifted out briefly for root inspection. Certainly not necessary just entertaining to watch root development.
I think this is an excellent and useful idea that i will definitely be using from now on!! It will be useful for me, because i have a tendency to let seedlings go too long in solo cups before up-potting. So, this will take the guess work out completely!! (And will be entertaining taboot!) :cool:
I think this is an excellent and useful idea that i will definitely be using from now on!! It will be useful for me, because i have a tendency to let seedlings go too long in solo cups before up-potting. So, this will take the guess work out completely!! (And will be entertaining taboot!) :cool:
On my set up the clear cups are 12 or 14 oz (can't remember) and the black solo is 16oz. I got the idea from @greenthumb.