Green SKrillexs LED grow


Active Member
first things first. i have had 3 DWC seedlings veg under a 300 watt cfl at 2 ft. they are now 3 days in under 336 penetrator x pro from hydrogrow led. i have problems with 2 of the 3 hydro started plants. im hoping someone can shed light on if this is nute burn maybe heat stress or maybe just it slowly dying from the dwc to soil switch. figure a and b are diffrent plants both showing sign of trouble. for nutes im using a variation of subcools super soil recipe minus some cal mag which i have.
figure A
imagejpeg_2 (3).jpg

Figure B


So dude let me get this right.
These ladies were in dwc right
and now they are in dirt.
The look healthy enough
maybe yo just splashed some nutes on the leaves
normally nute burn would start to show on the tips
try fusing and the let the medium dry before feeding again



Well-Known Member
they are fine, how much supersoil did you use and how big the containers^? here is what I think of supersoil and how I do it: container at least 5 gallons, if you veg even just a little 7 gallons.(the bigger the better) Fill with supersoil the bottom third and a tad bit, I then poor plain soil 2/3 up and mix it with the upper half of the hot soil so that the strength of the soil fades as you get higher. the upper layer just plain soil and a bit of EWC. when I transplant and make my hole, I make sure the plant roots arent touching any hot soil I put some EWC at the bottom and around the edge of that hole, looks to me like the root were touching some hot soil, they are too young for this. If you did your mix right, don;t worry, let her go she will bounce back. no flushing its useless in super soil. hope it helps sorry its all over the place I just got up, my brain doesnt work and my eyes are sticky.


Active Member
i aprciate any knowlege u have to give. 4 big containers are 18 gallon other 2 are 10 gallon. my version of super soil is OCean forest light warrior green sand kelp meal blood meal bone meal soulfur pellets bat guano. the very middle of all containers have a small section of only light warrior for new seeds.


Well-Known Member
yeah you are welcome, do you have only one plant per container!? if yes I guess you are planning on growing monsters!! I say just be patient and see what they look like in about 10 days, its not like they are in bad shape at all, see if the new growth is normal.


I as gonna say that your plants new growth looks good so I wouldn't be stressing too much. You can get growth rates upwards of an inch a day during veg once the plant gets a bit bigger assuming optimal growing conditions.